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[ a new day; part one ]

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[ a new day; part one ]


It had been a few days since the whole start of the apocalypse had hit. From what Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, and Kassidy had seen, there had been this sickness that spread all over. Where there had once been normal humans, there were now the undead. The ones who had once been alive, now smelt of rotting flesh and had the irresistible urge to eat the humans who were left.

The only way to kill the creatures, again, since they were already technically dead, was to destroy or damage the brain, as Kassidy and her family had earlier learned when one of the dead attacked the youngest child, Duck.

The family had soon found people who could keep them safe, for a while least. The Greene's. The family of four had been at the Greene's farm for a few days.

It was mid-morning when Kassidy woke up in the barn loft, with two strangers sleeping below her, whom she'd never seen before in her life.

There was a middle-aged, dark skinned man, only slightly shorter than her father, with a chiseled face and a short beard. The other was a little girl with a curly head of hair covered by a baseball cap, who seemed to be quite a few years younger than Kassidy.

"Dad!" Kassidy exclaimed, scrambling away from the sleeping duo once her brain had realized they were there.

Soon enough, her father soon came running into the barn with a tense expression, "Kassidy!? What is it?"

"Who are these people...?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. The teenager hadn't seen them before she fell asleep, so why shouldn't she be concerned waking up to a barn with strangers?

The man only loosened up once he realized that his daughter was in no danger.

Kassidy stayed glued to her father's side as he chuckled in amusement. "It's not funny..." she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest with a sour expression gracing her features.

Her father walked over to the man and kicked his foot gently. "Get up!"

The man sat up with a yawn, but the little girl jumped up, itching her arms. "I'm itchy!" she exclaimed.

"Well, you slept in a barn, little lady," Kassidy's father smiled. "Lucky you don't have spiders in your hair. But I bet your daddy scared them all away."

The girl started franticly swatting at her hair, trying to get rid of spiders.

"Er, I'm not her dad," said the man, who had stood up. "Name's Lee."

"I'm Kenny," Kassidy's father responded, nodding his head in acknowledgement to the introduction.

"Dad! We're going to build a fence!" Kassidy's younger brother, Duck, appeared at the door, smiling. "There's a tractor and everything!"

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