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[ long road ahead; part four ]


Kassidy felt horrible twenty minutes after the loss of two more of their group as they continued heading to their destination; Savannah.

Kass and Clementine were sitting next to each other, with Clem resting her head on her friend's shoulder. Lee was with Kenny in the control room, comforting his friend after he lost his wife and son. Kassidy would have been with her dad right now, but Lee told her to go back with Clem.

Chuck was outside of the locomotive. Ben was outside as well in the back of the locomotive, thinking about something.

Chuck had made everything worse. He said that 'what happened to Duck' would happen to the two of them. Luna didn't want to loose anyone else. She couldn't.

Lee walked in and sat next to Kassidy and Clementine. "You guys wanna talk?" He asked them politely.

"No. Not really. Does it look like I want to talk? I just want Mom and Duck to be alive," Kassidy said, sourly.

Lee just sighed and turned to Clementine "You understand what happened to Duck. Right, Clem?" He asked her.

"Yes," she replied solemnly.

"What are you thinking about?" Lee asked her.

She hesitated to answer, but said it anyway, "What Chuck said to us. He said that what happened to Duck, would happen to us."

"The fuck he did!" Lee cursed out loud.

"Swear," Clem reminded.

"Sorry. I'll go and talk to him," Lee told them.

"Don't be mad," she told him. But it was too late, Lee had already left and went to go find Chuck, leaving Clem and Kass alone again.

"Do you think What Chuck said is true?" Clementine asked Kassidy after moments of silence.

"No! Chuck is just crazy! But... then maybe... I'll get to be with Mom and Duck!" 

Clem didn't answer, instead, she just widened her eyes.

A few minutes later, Lee came back and sat back down next to them.

"Did you talk to him?" Clem asked.


"What did he say?"

"Well," Lee sighed. "He explained himself. Made a few good points. Look, I'm not going to let anything happen to you, both of you. But we have to take precautions."

"Yeah, okay," Clem said. "That makes sense."

"Don't worry, sweetheart."

"So, what should I do?" Clem asked him.

"Well, we've got to figure out a plan for when we reach Savanah, teach Clem how to protect herself and, uh, tidy you up a bit so you can't get grabbed so easily," Lee explains.

"I'd like that," Clem said.

"Good," Lee says and smiled, he stood up and looked down at Clem as she and Kassidy stood up. "You need to know how to protect yourself, Clem."

"Like hiding or running away? Got it," Clementine nodded confidently.

Kassidy rolled her eyes, "He means with a gun, Clem."

Lee nodded and pulled his gun out. "I mean with one of these. First- don't be afraid of it. It's just a thing. Take it. But know where your finger is all the time. And only put it one the trigger if your want to hurt somebody." He handed it to Clem and she immediately felt the weight of it.

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