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[ starved for help; part three ]


It wasn't until about an hour later that the others joined Lee and Mark at the dairy. Carley had come back to lead them to the dairy, the entire group going over. Carley had stayed at the motel with Ben, to keep and eye on it, and Kassidy was just feeling more and more uneasy.

When they arrived, Mark had an arrow in his shoulder, blood staining his coat.

"Hey, y'all!" Kenny waved, before spotting Mark. "Holy shit!"

"Oh, my God, Mark, what happened?" Katjaa asked.

"He was shot by raiders," Lee told them angrily.

Lilly walked forward, "Is he gonna be okay?"

"Yeah," Mark panted. "I should just... pull it out–"

"No, no, honey," a woman with ginger hair walked forward. "Come on inside, Brenda's got you, now."

As the two of them made their way inside, Kass looked around. It was a basic farm house, with large paddocks, and a large house in the centre. Barbed wired fences surrounded it, trees around the border.

Kassidy zoned out as Larry, per usual, started yelling at Lee.

Once the yelling stopped, Kass looked over at her father who spoke, "Not even five minutes of being here, and Mark's got an arrow in his shoulder. I don't like this, Lee."

"Yeah and thought our luck would change by now," Lee replied with a frown on his face.

"Hey, Kassidy, Duck, look!" Clem exclaimed as she pointed to the swing hanging off of the tree branch, "That's just like the one from my treehouse. Come on, let's go!"

The two youngest ran over to the swing, but Kass stopped them, "Let's Rock Paper Scissors it." They both agreed and so they played until Clem beat them both, best two out of three.

"Lee come push me!" Clem exclaimed as she hopped onto the swing. Lee walked over and started pushing Clementine.

"So, is Mark gonna be okay?" Kassidy asked Lee.

"I'm sure he's gonna be fine. Brenda's taking care of him right now. She says he'll be down to eat dinner," Lee replied. "Well, Mark and I got lucky out there, I hope it didn't just run out."

"Yeah, me too. I want all of us to stay lucky," Clem added.

Kassidy frowned, "Yeah, you and me both kiddo..."

"You're only thirteen... Why do you keep calling me 'kiddo'?" Clem asked.

Kass just shrugged her shoulders and laughed, "I like it."

Katjaa walked up to the kids and told them about a cow that was sick. She was wondering if they wanted to see it, which of course, they did. So they got up and walked up to the barn until Danny walked up to Lee and asked if he wanted to find those raiders that attacked them. He agreed, telling Clem to listen to Kenny a me d Katjaa while he was gone. We got into the barn and saw the cow, we instantly went to pet it.

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