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[ all that remains; part three ]


"Ow!" Clementine yelped after getting bumped into by Kassidy.

"Shh! Clem, shh! Sorry!" Clem was sitting on the ground, holding her arm. "I'm so sorry!" Kass helped her up. "Why'd you get out?"

"You were taking too long," Clem pointed out, a frown on her face.

"Come on," Kass sighed. "I've got the stuff." They crawled through the hole and back into the shed.

Clem winced, "It hurts when I move it."

Kassidy frowned, "I can't imagine, Clem. Let's get this over with." She set the needle, thread, and peroxide on the table. "Oh!" she exclaimed. "I got some juice for you. If you're thirsty."

Clementine grabbed the juice box and drank it till it was empty. Kassidy looked at her wide-eyed. "Sorry," she muttered guiltily.

Kassidy just laughed, "It's okay. You're the injured one here."

Clem walked over to the workbench and put her arm on it, next to the medical supplies. "This...is going to suck!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, but don't worry! Doctor Kassidy is here to help you," the older girl grinned at her younger friend.

Clem raised an angry eyebrow at her.

"That was a joke. It was meant to keep you calm," Kassidy chuckled awkwardly.

Clem shook her head at her stupid joke.

Kass unscrewed the cap and quickly poured the liquid on Clem's wound. She yelped, squeezing her eyes tight as the liquid began to bubble on her wound. "Okay, okay. There you go. You're okay," she assured Clem.

"It's okay," Clem panted. "I'm okay... I'm fine... "She looked at the needle and thread. "Now for the fun part."

Kassidy looked at it with worry in her eyes but quickly composed herself and with a grimace, placed the needle at the edge of Clem's wound.


Clem took a deep breath in, "Just like last time. Just like Katjaa showed us."

Kassidy frowned at Clem, "I promise it won't be pretty."

Clementine glared at her, "Shut up and just do it!"

As she said, Kass quickly pushed the sides of Clem's wound together, and pushed the needle through, pulling it out the other side. Clem screamed and hit the table with her hand. Her eyes rolled up into her head for a minute, and Kass thought she was going to faint, but then her eyes went back to normal.

Kassidy snapped, eyes wide, "Stop moving! I know it hurts, but I don't wanna make it worse."

Clementine put her arm back on the table and Kassidy held her arm down to prevent her from moving. She continued to suture her arm and it was tough, due to her hearing her friend's screams and groans. She held onto Kass' arm and squeezed it in pain.

"Stay awake, Clem," Kass said. "Come on. You gotta stay awake."

She nodded, but didn't say anything.

"You're doin' great, Clem. Come on, stay awake. Last one. Then we can wrap it up." The next one was harder to get through. Kass tried to do it quickly, but it was much tougher than the rest. She apologized as she pushed the needle through and Clem screamed.

𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ━ 𝐭𝐰𝐝𝐠Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora