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[ around every corner; part six ]


"What the fuck is going on?" Kenny turned to face them with a panicked expression painting his face.

"They're coming!" Lee exclaimed in a panic, rushing over toward the armory.

"Oh, fuck!" Kenny hissed as he ran back to the armory door, repeatedly trying to knock it down.

"That ought to hold 'em," Vernon concluded, looking over at Brie, who was still blocking the walkers from getting through the door.

"Sure, but now how do we get out?" the aforementioned women questioned.

"Through the armory!" Kenny snapped, ramming into the door with his shoulder. "If we could just get this damn door open!"

Lee glared at Ben with an angry look when the teen tried handing the older man the hatchet that originally held the glass doors in the hallway shut. The taller man swiped the hatchet out of Ben's hand in annoyance.

Kassidy stood by Clementine. "Nice shot, by the way," she nodded, complimenting the little girl on what she did in the hallway.

"Thanks. Do you want this back?" Clem asked as she held out the heavy pistol with shaky hands.

"You did take it from me without asking, so... yeah," she quipped as Clem placed the gun into the palm of her hand.

"This is my fault," Ben exclaimed in a panic. "This is all my fault."

"What is he blabbering about?" Christa huffed out in annoyance.

"Ben..." Lee warned the teenage boy, "We talked about this."

"Hey, no! Goddammit, Ben. Shut the fuck up!" Kassidy warned him with wide and panicked eyes.

"Wait, no, I want to know what he's talking about," Christa snapped, cutting Kassidy off. "And why's he looking at Kass like that?"

Ben took a step away from Lee when he saw the scowl the man sent his way. He turned to look at Kenny and spoke, "Kenny, I'm so sorry. So sorry, man."

"Kid!" Kenny rammed his shoulder into the door again, "This isn't the best time! Whatever you did! Save it for later!"

"I opened the door... I let them in..."

"I said save it for after we get out of here!"

"Ben," Lee tried, again, to reason. "We don't have time for this right now."

"Ben. Please, shut up," Kassidy tried pleading with him.

"I'm sorry, Lee, Kass... I can't do this anymore," Ben sighed, brows furrowed in mental anguish. "He's got a right to know."

"What does he mean?" Christa asked again, looking over at the worried expression on Kassidy's face.

"It's been me all along!" Ben exclaimed. "I've been putting us in danger. Katjaa and Duck... It was all my fault."

When Kenny finally kicked the door open, he froze in place. "Wait a minute... What are you saying?"

Kassidy sucked in a hissing breath, "Ah, shit, Ben. You're so screwed. Dad is gonna kill you!"

"It was me who made the deal with the bandits at the motor inn, slipping them supplies. I thought maybe it would keep us safe. Keep them off our backs. When it got discovered, that's when they attacked. That's when Duck..." Just as Kenny dived for Ben, Lee and Vernon grabbed him, holding the man back.

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