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[ no going back; epilogue ]



They were standing at the bottom of the hill, looking up at a large cloud of smoke coming from the other side. 'This is it! This has got to be it!!!'  Kassidy thought as she turned to Kenny. 

"You want me to hold him?" she asked, gesturing toward AJ. 

"Nah, he's still light. We're fine," Kenny said as he walked up to them.

"Come on, I'll race you three to the top," he said, then took off at a sprint, laughing with glee. 

"Hey!" Kassidy exclaimed as Ollie, Clem and her took off after him. 

"Get back here, cheater!" Ollie exclaimed.

"Come on, Alvie! We got this!" Kenny said to AJ as he ran all the way to the top of the hill.

"You cheated," Clem accused as Kenny stopped and stared at the sight before him, a long large gate. Wellington. "Holy shit..." he gasped. "We did it, kids... That's-that's gotta be it."

"It's about time," Kassidy and Oliver said in synch before turning to grin at each other. 

"You're tellin' me," Clem said. 

"Took the words outta my mouth," Kenny laughed, turning to them, "What are we waitin' for? Come on!" Then the four of them began to walk toward the large gate. "This one's gonna be the one. Look at those walls. We'll finally feel safe, kids. Be able to sleep at night..." Suddenly, there was a gunshot. 

Ollie flinched as the bullet hit the ground just a couple of feet in front of them.

"That's far enough." A woman's voice warned over a speaker system. 

"Just stay still, kids. Do as she says," Kenny said, and they stood up a little straighter. "Put your hands up, kids," he told them, and they did as he said.

"Drop your weapons," the woman ordered. Oliver and Kassidy looked over at Kenny, who nodded. They pulled out their weapons and tossed them aside. "Approach the gate," the woman ordered, and the four of them slowly approached the gate to see a little platform from where the woman appeared.

"Hi, I'm Edith," she greeted, smiling.

"Name's Kenny, and this here's Clementine and Kassidy. Oh, and Oliver," Kenny introduced themselves 

"Hello," Edith said, noticing AJ in his arms. "Aw, what a handsome boy. Look at him. What's his name?" she asked. 

"Alvin Junior," Ollie chimed in. 

"Awe, he's gonna be a little heartbreaker when he grows up," Edith teased.

"Of course he will," Kass muttered to Ollie with a snort of amusement.

"So...this is Wellington, right?" Kenny asked the woman. 

"A lot of people call it that," Edith answered. 

"Okay...so, what do we do to get in?" Kenny curiously asked. 

"Well...I'm afraid this is the part where I give you the bad news," Edith started before grabbing a large duffle bag and tossing it down on the ground in front of the gateway. 

"The hell's this?" Kenny asked, confused.

"That's some supplies. Food, water, some medicine, a first aid kit–" he cut her off.

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