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After everyone ate, Jaylen helped Jaehyun load the dishwasher. Nailah had been sleep in her car seat and I had been sitting on the love sofa. I'm not gonna lie, I was tired.

When Jaehyun and Jaylen came back, he sat next to me on the sofa and I laid my head on his chest.

The guys were all talking, and I was nearly asleep.

Jaehyun: Wanna get in the bed?

He whispered in my ear.

Me: Yes please.

I replied softly.

Jaehyun: Come on.

He then got up, then picked up Nailah's car seat. I then followed him up to his room. Before entering, I took off my shoes. I then laid in Jaehyun's bed, and Jaehyun placed Nailah's car seat on the rug next to me. Jaehyun then pull the blanket up over me, then kissed my cheek.

Soon I had feel asleep.

I had later woken up to Nailah crying. I was about to get up until I felt weight lifted up off the bed. Jaehyun then spoke.

Jaehyun: go ahead back to bed. I'll put her back to sleep.

Agreeing, half woke, I relaxed and watched as Jaehyun checked Nailah, making sure she didn't need to be changed, and also her breathing to make sure everything was fine. He then placed her blanket over his bare chest and laid her on it before sitting in a chair that had been at the bottom of the bed.

Something then popped up in my head.

Me: Where is Jaylen?

Jaehyun: He is sleep in the room down the hall.

I then nodded my head.

Soon I had fell back asleep.

When I woke up, I noticed Nailah wasn't in her car seat. Instead she had been sleep on Jaehyun who slept in the same chair he slept in last night.

That is so cute.

I had to use the bathroom, so I got up and went to look for the restroom. I left the room and began checking each door. But then I thought to check on Jaylen. I walked down the hall and opened the last door. Jaylen had be sleep.

I walked over to the bed and kissed his cheek. Good thing he didn't have any school today.

I then continued looking for the restroom.

I soon found it.

After finishing in the restroom, I found my way back to Jaehyun's room. Jaehyun had been up and placing Nailah back in her car seat. Walking over to Jaehyun, he grabbed my face, placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

Jaehyun: Good morning.

Me: Morning. I'm sorry she woke you up last night.

Jaehyun: No worries. Want some breakfast?

Me: Sure.

He then left the room, shirtless.

Mmmm.  Sexy doctor, making me breakfast shirtless. Sounds like a porno.

Time skip—-

After eating breakfast and feeding Nailah, we all went home.

I told Jaehyun I would give him a call or text him later due to the fact that Dean was supposed to come over to spend time with Nailah and Jaylen.

Time skip—-

I had been sitting out back, holding Nailah as Dean and Jaylen played in the yard.

My phone vibrated and I checked to see what it was.

It had been a text from Jaehyun.

Jaehyun- I miss you. Do you want to come back over tonight? I went out and baught a bassinet for Nailah for when she comes over so she'll be comfortable.

Me- I miss you too Jaehyun. I can come over after Dean is finish spending time with the kids. I think Nailah misses you too.

I replied laughing to myself.

Jaehyun- Aright. I'll see you soon love.

Jaehyun always finds a way to make me love him more and more day by day. He couldn't be any more perfect.

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now