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As me and jaylen were waiting at a food stand someone tapped my shoulder . when i turned around i saw .....jessica.

Jessica: hey YN. How have you been and who is this little one.

Me: ive been great. And this is my son jaylen.

She then bent down to jaylens level.

Jessica: awwww you are soooooo adorable.

Jaylen: thank you.

Jessica then stood back up.

Jessica: you stopped coming to the gym did i weird you out or something.

She then laughs and i laugh with her.tbh hell yea she did

Me: whaaatt.... No girl. I came back home and my fiance had the nevrve to tell me that he had a work out room at the house.

Jessica: fiance??? Well isnt he lucky.

Me: haha. Yea.

Me and jaylens food was then ready and i grabbed it and payed for it.

Me: well it was nice seeing you.

Jessica: same and by the way you look good.

Me: thanks . bye.

We then walked to a park that had a bench there.

I handed jaylen his food and we began to eat.

Me: so jaylen. Today we are going to go to a museum and look around town.

Jaylen: ok. What museum are we going to?

Me:the trickeye musuem.

He then nodded and continued eating his food.

When we got finish eating we began to walk to the musium. I swear it felt like someone was watching. When i looked back i saw no one. Probably jessica weird ass. Jaylen then spoke low enough for only me to hear.

Jaylen: theres a man following us.

Me: you felt it too.

Jaylen: i saw him. Hes wearing a white hoodie and a black mask with a beat on it.

I then picked jaylen up and began to walk faster. Soon we got to the museum and i pulled out my phone to call dean. When i called it rung a few times but no answer. Shit. I then call crushes jays phone. On the second ring he answers.

Jay: wassup

Me: jay.... I need you to come amd get me and jaylen please.

Jay: whats wrong. Everything ok?

Me: jay just come please.

Jay: ok where are you.

Me: we are at the trickeye museum.

Jay: im on my way.

Jay then hung up and me and jaylen sat on a bench near the entrance. I pulled his hood up then pulled mines up. When i looked out the door i saw the person standing across the street but when a car drove passed he... Disappeared. What type of shit is this.

Me: ok jaylen. We are going to sit here until your uncle jay picks us up.

Jaylen: ok momma. He then leaned his head on me and we sat and waited. About 5 minutes later jay called my phone telling me he was outfront.

I then picked up jaylen and headed towards jay's car. I put jaylen in the back seat the got up in the passengers seat.

Jay: what happened.

Me: jaylen saw someone following us.

Jay: not this shit again. Ypu guys are coming to my house until dean gets home.

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now