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When the pizza came dean payed for it and I went and got jaylen. I then handed jaylen his pizza and two wings then made my self a plate. We all sat down in the living room and ate our pizza. When we all finished I took jaylen to his room for bed and dean washed the dishes.  after putting jaylen back to bed i went into me and deans room and got under the covers and got on my phone. while looking through snapchat dean entered the room and took off his shirt sliding in bed next to me. when he layed his hand on my thigh and slowly slid it up under my silk night gown. i continued looking through​ snapchat and dean chuckled a bit.

Me: what? 

Dean: Jaylen heard us last night. well he heard you.

Me: well whose fault was it.

Dean: mine and im proud of it.

i then giggle and dean kisses me and pulls my phone out my hand.

Dean: come on lets go to bed princess.

He then turns off the lights and we go to bed

When I woke up, I turned towards Dean who was shirtless. Dean could get any woman he wants and he chooses me. But I love him for that I think we were meant to be to be honest. It might sound selfish but seriously. And without Dean I would have my beautiful sun and moon , Jaylen, here.

Dean: stop staring at me. I can feel it.

His eyes were still closed. I then rolled my eyes and tried to get out of bed.

Dean: no baby. Fine you can stare at me as much as you want to.

Me: Dean let go I have to check on Jaylen.

Dean: no you don't. You just want to leave me

He then sits up a bit giving me a kiss.

Me: hey Dean.... That guy is still on my mind.

Dean: don't worry about it baby.

Me: I try but it just scares me. What if he knows where we live. What if its.... Chanyeol.

Dean: he's in jail baby. And that guy is probably just some weirdo.

Dean's POV

In the back of my mind, I know what I'm saying is not the truth. To be honest.. I'm scared my self.  But I can't be scared. I have a family to protect.

Jaylen then runs in the room.

Jaylen: momma.... Can we go see halmeoni and hal-abeoji. I miss them. I haven't seen them in a long time.

Before I could respond my phone received a notification from Instagram so I checked it and it was a message from.... Bts. The hell. I opened it and it said " hey YN, how are you? we miss you and Jaylen. When can we meet up."

Well how nice of them. They have been so busy with being in America. I didn't even think they would be here.

Me: Jaylen look. Bts wants to see you. Do you want to see them.

Jaylen: yessss yessss yessss yessss yessss. I'm gonna get dressed now.

Me: wait sweetheart we don't know when yet.

I then text back saying " hey guys I'm doing great. And your selves? And no problem, when would you like to meet up.

As soon as I sent that I got a message back instantly. It said "how about today around 1:30 we are free at that time. We can meet up at the Korean BBQ restaurant downtown." I then respond saying "Kool. We'll see you there bye."

Me: ok so we have to be there at 1:30

Dean: baby what did I tell you. You are not leaving this house with that mysterious guy out there.

Me: but baby. We're going to be with bts. If that guy tried anything we can bank him it will be 9 against 1. And Jaylen wants to see them and his grandparents.

Me and Jaylen both give him out best puppy face at the same time.

Dean: ...... Fine. But I'm gonna have some people look out for you. I'll have someone pick you up and take you where ever you have to go. But I have to go to work baby.

He then kisses me and kisses jaylens forehead.

When Dean leaves out the room me and Jaylen high five each other.

We then run after Dean downstairs and into the kitchen.

Me: baby.. you want breakfast before you go?

Dean: I wish I could but I can't. I have to get going.

Me: ok. I'll see you later. You better call me sometime throughout the day.

Dean: ok baby. I'll see both of you later on.

I then made me and Jaylen some breakfast. After breakfast I went to get in the shower and for some reason Jaylen wanted to be in the bathroom with me while I was in the shower. While I was in the shower he played on my phone.

Jaylen: momma, can you redo my braids.

Me: yes baby. After I get out the shower. Grab the comb from out the cabinet and the moose from out the closet over there.

Jaylen: ok.

15 minutes late I got out the shower and wrapped my towel around me.

Jaylen: about time you got out the shower.

I then chuckled and we both when into the room. I sat him down in the spinning chair and began to take out his braids and redo them.

After I was finished, Jaylen got up and sat on my bed. I then began to look for some clothes. After I got out my clothes I then went to get Jaylen and outfit.

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now