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A/N:  Im changing something. Jaylen is gonna be 4 and start school soon. I know y'all are probably like how the hell is he speaking so well and blah blah blah... Hehe love y'all. And sorry for the small change. )

After jaylen ordered for me we all began to talk.

RM: the ladies are going to love Jaylen. He's so sweet.

Me: i know. Thanks.

RM: so how are you guys doing.

Me: we are fine. Were supposed to be house bound though.

RM: Dean just probably want to keep his beautiful wife all to himself.

Me: haha. But no.

RM: what happened?

Me: while me and jaylen were put down her by the trickeye museum, jaylen caught this guys.... Being a creep.He was following us around. And when i told dean, he told us that we are to stay with him when hes home, but when hes at work, stay in the house. But i got him to let us come outside with you guys today.

RM: oh wow...... Well you guys are safe us.

Our food soon came and while we were eating jhope began speaking.

Jhope: YN, you guys look dope today.

I then smile and thank jhope.

Jhope: no problem.

Me: so I know you guys don't really speak English much, well aside from RM, but I'm sorry that this is kinda awkward. I wish I knew Korean. Ha.

Jaylen then repeats what I said in Korean.

Jhope: I speak English a little bit. I understand a some of the things you are saying.

Tae: me too.

Me: that's good. I guess.

RM: so I was thinking after we eat, you guys can come to bighit with us.

Jaylen: yes! Can we please go momma.

My phone then went off. It was a message from Dean. It said "I'll be home a little early, we need to talk about something important. Love you"

I reply with a simple "ok, I love you too"

Jaylen: please momma, I wanna go and see the guys dance and stuff.

Me: ok sweetheart.

Jaylen: thank you momma, saranghae.

Me: I love you too baby.

Jaylen: momma, want me to teach you korean?

Me: why not.

We all then finish eating and head out to bighit.

When we got there, people were looking at me weirdly.

Me: ok then.

RM: your just beautiful. That's why they are staring.

I then laugh and we go up to the guys dance room.

RM: we are gonna play a game. This is how it's gonna go. In this hat there are little pieces of paper that has funny and fun things on then that you have to do. And don't worry, it's safe for jaylen to be here.

We all then laugh and sit on the floor in a circle. Jaylen sits in my lap and I sit in between jungkook and Taehyung.

RM: rock paper scissors. Looser goes first.

We all then do rock paper scissors and jungkook lost. He drew from the hat and read his out loud.

Jaylen: he has to twerk.

Me: I though you said this game is child friendly.

We all then laugh and jungkook gets up to twerk.

When he started twerking, I pulled out my phone and recorded him on Snapchat.

We were all laughing so hard.

Jaylen: wait he needs some music to dance to.

Jaylen then pulls out his phone and anaconda by Nicki Minaj.

Me: this is so funny.

When the song ended, jungkook stopped and looked so embarrassed.

Me: great job jungkook.

It was then my turn to draw from the hat.

I had to play yoongi's part of mic drop. The whole song. Well at least I know the song and the dance. ( Always got dancing in something, I need to stop)

Jaylen: ooooh ooh ooh, can I do jhopes part.

Everyone agrees and me and jaylen get in position with everyone except suga and jhope.

Time skip)

It was soon time for me and jaylen to leave. Dean said he would pick us up since he's leaving work early.

Dean's car then pulled up and me and jaylen got in.

Dean: hey jaylen, hey YN.

Me: hey.

Jaylen: hi appa.

We all then get home, jaylen takes a shower and me and Dean were in our room talking.

Dean: we need to talk.

Me: ok about what?

Dean: wedding plans. Jaylen is old enough now to be a part of it and we did plan on having it in April.

Me: yea. I guess your right. We should start planning everything out.

I then go in my nightstand drawer for my journal.

Me: ok well food is gonna be easy, I can order it from a catering company or we can have chefs come in and make it.

Dean: I was thinking that maybe we could rent out Mary's April (Google it. It's beautiful as heck)
It really nice there and roomy. Though there's not really a lot of people coming. Ha. But tomorrow we can go and check it out and I agree with having the chefs.

Me: ok sounds nice. We just need to plan out what's gonna be on the menu and the drinks we are going to be offering.

Dean: we can do that tomorrow.

( A/N: guys, I'm gonna need some brides maids and a maid of honor. Please help me out. If you wanna be one just comment down below. I pick 1 maid of honor, and 3 brides maids, btw the last brides maid is gonna be evil.. hehe sorry. First come first served)

Me: well I should go ahead and get dinner started. I'm making homemade burgers filled with Mac and cheese with broccoli and mashed potatoes.

Dean: sounds good baby girl.

I then head down to the kitchen and wash my hands then start dinner.


Sorry it's short. Love yall

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now