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Jay: So how did your appointment go?

Me: It was... ok I guess. My doctor, he Is a really handsome man. I was really distracted by his features. I had told him I had been stressed out lately and when he asked me why, he was just staring at me which was making me nervous and he thought I was just getting stressed out. So he started telling me about the effect of high stress on pregnancy, which really scared me.

Jay: Aww. My YN has a crush!

We all then laughed.

Me: But besides me being distracted by his handsomeness, He told me areas I need to improve in such as eating habits and physical activity. So tomorrow me and Jaylen are going to go to the market and get lots of good things.

K: Thats good.

After chilling with the guys a bit more, it was time for them to go back home. I had got Jaylen and myself ready for bed, in which he decided to sleep in bed with me.

The next day, Jaylen and I had got really to head to the market.

Once we go there, we picked out lots of things from the fruit section and vegetable section. I then pulled up the list that contained all of the foods I should be eating, making sure to check off the things. While looking at the list, I began to feel this weird feeling again. Looking around, I saw nothing off, so I went back to looking at the list.

We then made sure to grab cases of waters.

After we finished our list, I paid for everything then we went home and put up everything.

Me; Jaylen baby, are you hungry?

Jaylen: Yes!

Me: Haha. Alright. How does omelettes and turkey bacon sound?

Jaylen nodded his head and I began to prepare everything after washing my hands.

After making breakfast, me and Jaylen sat at the table.

Me: So baby, I was able to get you into a new school (A/N because I realized parents can go to jail for not sending their kids to school). You start Monday.

Jaylen: school? Ok.

Me: Tomorrow we can go and get you some khakis and go up to the school and get your uniforms so you can start Monday.

(A/N: also if you didn't know, Yn is back in the states. Any state of your choice)

Jaylen then nodded his head and continued to eat. Almost forgetting what Dr.Jung had told me, I pulled out my phone and called my job. (Wherever you would like to work)

Someone finally answered on the third ring.

Me: Hi, it's Yn. Could you put Anya on the phone please?

???: sure.

A couple of seconds later, my manager was on the phone.

Anya: Hey Yn. What's up?

Me: Hi. I was just calling to let you guys know that I had a doctors appointment yesterday and some things were brought up and it was suggested- well required- that I take a break just to get back mentally healthy. I can bring in the papers if you need to see them.

Anya: Ok. Yes please bring in a copy of the papers. How long did you plan on having this break?

Me: I honestly don't want it to be too long so how does one week sound?

Anya: Well today is Thursday and to make things make sense I'll schedule back not this Sunday, but the following Sunday. So that's 11 days.

Me: ok that's fine. I'll come by later today with the papers.

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now