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I had woken up early this morning so I could get Jaylen ready for school and take him there. While waiting for Jaylen to get dressed, I fixed him a breakfast sandwich, consisting of a fried egg and three strips of turkey bacon. As soon as I finished, he came downstairs and sat at the table, as he ate, I fed Nailah.

Every bone in me wants Jaylen to stay home today, but I legally can't make him miss school. So he will have to stay in school until I put him in his new school, which me and Jaehyun will go and look at some today.

While feeding Nailah, I heard footsteps, which could only belong to Jaehyun, come down the stairs. As soon as he stepped in the kitchen, my lips slightly parted in awe.

Jaehyun: Good morning Doll. How did you sleep?

Me: Good morning. I slept pretty well.

I wanted to ask where he was going, but felt like it was rude to do so.

He then turned to Jaylen.

Jaehyun: Good morning Jaylen. Do you feel better?

Jaylen: Good morning. Yea, I feel better.

Jaylen: You ready? I was thinking we took one of the nicer cars today.


Me: I was going to take him to school.

Jaehyun: I can take him today. Besides I have to go to a meeting today and his school is on the way.

Me: Oh. Ok. Thank you.

I am so appreciative of Jaehyun, but sometimes I feel like he doesn't allow me to be a parent. Or maybe I'm overstepping.

Jaehyun then kissed me on my forehead then whispered in my ear.

Jaehyun: I just want to make Jaylen feel better.

Understanding what he meant, I smiled at him.

He then gave me a quick peck, then pulled back.

Jaehyun: Lets go to the garage.

He then helped me up and Jaylen got up, grabbing his bookbag and his packed lunch bag.

I've never been to the garage so I was in for a surprise.

After following Jaehyun down the hall, to a door, he opened it and I was actually surprised.

Jaehyun: which car should we take Jaylen?


Laughing at him, we all walked over to the car.

Jaehyun helped Jaylen into the passenger side and strapped I'm up. Then he and I walked over to the drivers side. He got in and kept the door open and reached out for Nailah, placing a kiss on her cheek then handing her back and gave me a kiss. I then shut the door for him.

Me: Don't kill my baby.

I said talking about Jaylen.

Jaehyun: of course I wouldn't. Oh here.

He then stuck his hand out of the window, and in his hand dingled a motion sensor key to the house.

Me: What's this for?

Jaehyun: Whenever you want to come and go.

Me: Thanks.

I then backed up from the car.

Jaehyun: the meeting is about 3-4 hours so I should be back in time for us to go look at those schools. Also, some of my friends are going out to dinner tonight around 7 and they wanted to know if you and the kids would come along too?

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now