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When the morning came i looked at YN to see if she woke up yet and she hasnt. Gosh dean is gonna flip when he hears this. What time is it.... 11 o clock. Visiting hours should be open by now. I then call crush to see if he could come here with YN. And he agrees . When he gets here i leave and head to the prison.i don't care how i look right now. This is more important. When i get there they make me sign my name and go under that metal dectector shit then took me to a room where no one else was and i waited for dean.

Dean- hey Y- oh hey man. Wassup.

Me: sit down.

He then sits amd looks at me confused

Me: YN is in the hospital. She passed out from too much stress and the doctor said it could harm her and the baby. I dont know how but thats what he said.

Deans face suddenly drops and he flips the table over

Dean: yesterday she left in pain.

Me: but listen to this. The doctor said that an anonomous call was made to 911 but when they got to her house no one but her was there. And i know exactly who did it..

Me and him in unison: chanyeol.

He then leans in and whispers..

Dean: Get..  Rid..  Of.. Him.

I then nod my head. Deans face was red and it looked like he was going to cry.

Me: I stayed in the hospital with her last night.  Crush is with her now.

Dean: I hope nothing happens to my son.

Son....  Tf...  When the hell did he find out...  Oh wait yesterday.

Me: so she told you yesterday.

He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a picture.

Dean: this is the baby's sonogram.

OMG......  I'm gonna have a nephew. 

Dean: please make sure YN and my baby is OK. Please take care of them.  Don't let YN out of your sight.

Me: you know I will.  I'm not letting anything happen to her.  I'll be back tomorrow to let you know what happens.

I then dap him and leave. Im gonna go back to the hospital.

When I get to the hospital I go to YNs room and crush was watching TV.

Me: anything happen.

Crush: no. Nothing at all.

??: get off-

We both then turn towards YN's bed and she was woke.

Me: god...  Your OK..

I then hug her and she hugs me back.


When I woke up I saw chanyeol.

Me: get off-

I then blinked and he was gone. I sat up all I saw was lights.

??: god... Your OK..

I look towards the person and it was  Jay . He then gave me a hug and of course unhinged him back.  I miss him I miss all of them so much.

Me: he was at my house

Jay: I know. What did he do to you.

I told him everything that happened from the minute I got out of my car to the minute I passed out.

Jay: what the fuck. From now on you are going to be with us. You are not to leave our sight and you must be with atleast one of us when you leave out. You can either come to our condo or your house.  But I think your house is better because it's bigger than the condo.

Me: OK.  You guys came come to my house.  I want to go I don't want to be here.

The doctor then comes in.

Doc: you can't leave yet YN.

Me: and why can't I.

Doctor: we have to run some test on you. But right now I have to do your sonogram to make sure your baby is OK.

After he does this sonogram and tells me my baby is fine I'm leaving.  And no one is going to stop me.

Doc: could you life your shirt up please.

I then lift my shirt up and he puts the could jell liquid on my tummy.

After the sonogram was done he told me how my baby was doing.

Doctor: so as you can see your baby is doing just fine. Please try not to stress because it could effect your baby.

I then nod my head. And he gets up.

Doc: I will be back with the stuff for your next test.

He then leaves. I then turn to crush.

Me: hand me my clothes.  They are right there in that chair.

He then hands me my clothes.

Me: step out please.

The guys then leave the room and I get dressed and put on my sunglasses.  I then leave out the room and walk to the guys.

Crush: you ready.

Me: yea..  Come on let's go.

As we were making our way out of the hospital some one calls out to me.

Nurse: excuse me miss...


Nurse: you dropped something.


Me: thank you.

I then grab my wallet from off the ground and we leave.

At home___

Soon as I get home I go up to my room and throw on something comfortable and go back downstairs.

When I got downstairs K was down there and I gave him a big hug.

Me: woah.. Look at your stomach.

I then smile

Me: I know right. 

Jay: it's a boy.

Me: yea.

K: Aww shit.  We need to go shopping so I can by my nephew some stuff.

Everyone then laughs.

K: so what happened. Why were you in the hospital.

Me: yesterday when I came home from visiting Dean chanyeol was at my house. He started talking to me about leaving Dean and being with him. I got angry and slapped him and he pushed me in the house and pinned me to the wall and said to me that he could easily make me get rid of my baby. And he said some other stuff then I passed out.

K: I'm tired of him.  We need to do something about him.

Crush: so what's the baby's name.

Me: Jaylen.

Jay: yea I like that name.

I then walk to the kitchen and get a bowl out so I can eat some ice-cream. Hmmmm I want some oreos too.

When I grab what I want and head back to the living room crush looks at me.

Crush: nope...

He then takes my bowl from me and looks through the fridge.

Crush: this is not food. What the hell..  You don't have any food.... We are ordering food.

Me: Chinese??

Crush: hmm sure.... I don't see anything wrong with that

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now