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Once we returned to Jaehyun's house, I told Jaylen to lay down. I'm at so angry right now. Jaylen has a damn knot in the back of his head.

Jaylen: momma, I'm ok. I just didn't want to stay at school because they would keep messing with me.

Jaehyun: Jaylen, that is completely fine. But you can't let's no one push you around.

Jaylen: I didn't. Today I faught back.

Me: You should have done more than pushed him. But that's alright. Just relax. Do you want anything to eat?

Jaylen: No. I just want to sleep now.

He said kind of sounding sad and turning his back towards me. I hope I didn't make him feel like that.

I then sat next to him and laid his hand in my lap. Running my hand through his hair, I softly spoke to him.

Me: Jaylen, I'm not angry or disappointed with you. I understand what it's like to be bullied and sometimes not be able to say or do anything back. What you did today was a good thing because you stood up for yourself, but also didn't cause any trouble. Sometimes kids can be mean and you may not be able to help it. You won't have to worry about it anymore.

I told him, massaging his head as he looked up at me.

Me: Does your head hurt?

I ask as I brushed over where the knot had been.

Jaylen: .....Just a little bit.

Me: Sweetheart, that's a knot.i know it hurts more than a little bit.

Jaehyun: I can get him some kids Tylenol real quick.

Me: Please and thank you.

Jaehyun: of course.

Jaehyun then handed Nailah over to me and Jaylen sat up.

Me: Do you want to hold her?

Jaylen: yes.

Me: Sit back.

Jaylen then sat back and I gently placed Nailah in his arms.

Me: You both look so cute.

As we waited for Jaehyun to return, to which he did ten minutes later, Jaylen and I played with Nailah, trying to get her to smile.

When Jaehyun returned, Jaylen gave Nailah to me and Jaehyun gave Jaylen a bit of medicine.

Soon, Jaylen had went upstairs and laid down. Jaehyun sat down next to me and Nailah and I laid my head on his chest.

As my head had been laying on Jaehyun's chest, I thought about what had happened earlier.

Remembering how Jaehyun touched me, made me think more. It wasn't gentle, but it also wasn't rough. Almost like he had been holding back.

Stopping myself from being aroused, I quickly try to think of something different.

I watched as Jaehyun scrolled through Netflix, trying to find something to watch.

Jaehyun: Is their anything you would like to watch?

Me: Um.... Not in particular.

He then turned the TV off.

Jaehyun: why don't we all just... sleep. Take a nap.

Agreeing, I got up and followed a Jaehyun yo to his room. I placed Nailah, who had just fallen asleep, into her crib and then helped myself to Jaehyun's clothes.

Looking back at him, because I feel him looking at me,I gave him an awkward smile.

Jaehyun: who told you that you could just go through my clothes like that?


He then laughed.

Me: Well I mean.... it was gonna happen sooner or later. But you get the luxury of seeing me in them tonight.

We both then laughed.

Jaehyun: what's the occasion?

Me: No occasion. I just want to shower and don't have any clothes here.

Jaehyun: Ok. Good enough for me.

After grabbing one of his black t shirts and a pair of his boxers, I headed for his bathroom, shitting the door behind me, then turn the shower on.

Seeing that Jaehyun had an extra towel out this time, I didn't have to bother looking through the closet.

As I had been in the shower, leaving myself up with soap and humming the song 'Damage' by Her, I heard the door open then closed. The shower glass had been foggy so I couldn't see clearly,but I already knew who it had been. However that didn't stop me from what I had been doing. As my back had faced the shower door, I felt a light whiff of cool air breeze over me, followed by a hand grabbing on my waist.

Not gonna lie, I didn't know what to do. So I stood my ground. That is until Jaehyun turned me around and looked me in my eyes. I watched as he brushed his hair back and looked down on me.

How dare you?

I couldn't help but look at his lips, feeling temper to kiss them. Jaehyun took the opportunities and grabbed my hips, basically pulling me into him. I then placed my hands on his chest and stood on my tippy toes. Due the height difference, Jaehyun lean down and gave me a cold, but sweet kiss.

Minutes passed of us passionately kissing and touching on each other, but what Jaehyun did next definitely surprised me.

Separating his body from mine, he looked down at me and smirked.

Jaehyun: Not yet Doll.

Parting my lips to speak, I was interrupted by Jaehyun placing a quick peck on my lips.

After we finished up in the tub, and yes I did exit the shower with a pout worn on my face, I dried off and of course moisturized my skin, then slid into Jaehyun's clothes. I then passed Jaehyun, who had been looking in the mirror, washing his face. Why does he have to play hard to get? Like isn't that what I'm supposed to be doing?

Instead of staying in the bed room, I went downstairs to Jaehyun's kitchen and grabbed the vanilla bean ice cream from his freezer. After putting some in a bowl, I put the container back then stood at the Island of the kitchen, taking a bit of my ice cream.

I had been enjoying my ice cream, but when I looked up, I saw Jaehyun standing there looking at me. Which kind of scared me since I didn't hear him come down stairs, nor feel his gaze on me.

Me: Don't do that.

Jaehyun: What?

Me: Scare me like that.

He then chuckled.

Jaehyun: Come get in bed with me.

He said walking over to me. I gen looked up at him, eating my ice cream.

He then took my bowl and spoon and finished off the ice cream.

I didn't mind because I was starting to get cold anyway. Jaehyun then picked me up, basically throwing me over his shoulder, and took me up stairs.

Me: I mean... I would have just walked.

Jaehyun: You would have been too slow.

Within seconds, I was being placed on the bed and Jaehyun slid in next to me.

Because of how cold I was, I slid closer to Jaehyun and slid my cold hands up his shirt, onto his warm body, while laying my head on his shoulder. I liked feeling his abs, so I continued to outline them with the digits of my fingers. Jaehyun only relaxed with his eyes closed and one arm restring under my head.

I continued to feel his abs until I grew sleepy and soon, my eyes fell.

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now