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Everyone then cheers and jaylen smiles big.

Me: you are so handsome jaylen

Me: you are so handsome jaylen

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Jaylen: thank you momma. I love you.

He then gives me a big hug and a kiss on my cheek.

Dean then picks him up

Dean: what about your appa.

Jaylen: nado neoleul salanghae. appa.( i love you too dad)

Jaylen then kisses his cheek.

Crush: omfg... Im gonna cry... Look at my nephew. Hes getting all big.

Jaylen: im only two uncle crush. Im not that big yet.

Deans mom: and you speak so well. The other kids are gonna be jealous of you.

Her english is improving. Hmm.. Good for her.

Me: Jaylen time for cake.

I put his ice cream and cupcake on a plate and hand it to him

Jay: oh naww... Yall doing it wrong... This what you gotta do.

He then picks up the cupcake and smears it in jaylens face.

Jaylen: oh come on uncle jay. I wanted to eat that

Me: jay why did you do that to my baby.

Everyone then laughs and i get my baby another cupcake. Everyone then sits at the table.

Me: jaylen baby... Im sorry we didn't have a lot of people here to celebrate you birthday with us

Jaylen: this is enough people. I have my family here with me. I love all of you guys. This is the best birthday ever.

Everyone then awws.

Dean: we love you too jaylen. And now that everyone is here.. As you all know.. Me and YN are engaged and we plan on having the wedding december 23.

Everyone then cheers. Then crush pulls dean to the side and attempts to whisper something to him.

Me: crush. Know you know dam- i mean dag on well yall not finna do that

Crush:what ... I aint even say nun yet

Me: so jaylen. What do you want 0 to be for halloween.

Jaylen:i wanna be ....BATMAN!!!

Me: ok tomorrow we are gonna go shopping for everyones costumes. How does that sound?

Jaylen: yesssss.. So momma.. How did you and appa meet.

Dean: we told you this a million times

Jaylen: but i wanna hear it again.

Me: so one day.. I was out getting breakfast. As i past a park i saw ypur father and the guys setting up a state and stuff getting ready for a concert i guess. We locked eyes... But ot got weird.. So i left. That same night i went to work. I worked at a famous resturaunt. It was my first night there. I had to dress nice because we had special guest. It just so happened those special guest were your dad and uncles. I prepared the meals and their drinks. Once jay tasted it food he cussed and said it was good. Like really good. He asked aho made it and i said me and they denied. Skipping ahead jay wanted me to start cooking for them and the next morning when i came dean opened the door and looked me right in my face but wouldnt say not one word later that dayi went to the grocery store and when i returned he opened the door again and offered to hwlp me with the bags.

I then continued with the story and when i was finished everyone awwed. I remeber it like it was yesterday. But what jaylen doesn't know is that dean went to prision or the fact that chanyeol is the cause of it all. Or the fact that people came to my house.

Jaylen: i like when you tell me about it. It just makes me feel happy.

Once we finished eating jaylen opened up his presents.

Jayle: look what halmeoni and hal-abeoji got me!!

Jayle: look what halmeoni and hal-abeoji got me!!

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Me: woow. Tell grandma and grandpa thank you.

He then gets up and gives them a big hug.

Jaylen: thank you soooooo much.

Later on__

Everyone then leave and i get jaylen ready for his bath.

After his bath he brushes his teeth.

Me: jaylen whats taking you so long.

Jaylen: i want my teeth to really white just like you and appa.

Me: haha. Baby your teeth are already pearly white. You've been brushing your teeth for five minutes now. It should only take you 3. Now come on so you can get in bet.

Same room just different design)

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Same room just different design)

I then put him in bed and tuck him in.

Jaylen: i had fun today momma. Thank you.

I then kiss his for head.

Me: baby you dont have to thank me. And im glad you had fun today. We did too. Goodnight.

I then turn off the lights and leave his room shutting the door and make my way to me and deans room. When i enteres the room, dean was laying down watching tv. I ent over to the droor and grabbed some night clothes then took a shower. After my shower i got in bed and dean turned off the lighs and the tv and pulled me close.

Dean: i love our family.

Me: me too.

We then went to sleep.

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu