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Mark and Taeyong had asked me if it was ok that Jaylen spend time with them. I didn't mind because Jaylen really likes them and he enjoys their company. So I let him go over Marks place for the weekend. Nailah had been with K since they had come back into town and they wanted to spend time with her.

I, on the other hand, already miss my babies. I was all alone and who knows how long Jaehyun will be at work. Honestly I miss him too. His warm voice, his cute but sexy dimples and smile. His passionate kisses, the way he looks at me. When he calls me "love". Him letting me feel his abs. I could go on and on. But I feel like I might get turned on.

Now that I mention that, Jaehyun and I have been a couple for about 6 months and we haven't had sex. I don't see it as a bad thing. I think it's attractive that he is patient. More or so, it makes me feel like the fundament of this relationship isn't sex, but instead love.

But it only makes me want him more. I want to feel him on and in me. I wonder what his style is. I mean, I know I like a bit of rough but passionate sex, but what about him. If I didn't know him at all, I would guess gentle. But it's more complicated than that. I've began to notice small details about Jaehyun that hint at something much more. The way he grabs my waist when we kiss, the way he grinds his pelvis into mine when he's between my legs.

Sitting on the sofa, in nothing but one of Jaehyun's famous black shirts. His "go-to's". I neglected to wear a bra because of obvious reasons. But deciding to not completely free ball, I kept it lady-like with a nice pair of black underwear.

Eating away at the tub of cherry and like sherbert and drinking light wine, I relaxed my body more onto the counter as I hunched over.

Letting my mind wander off into the abyss, I didn't even realize Jaehyun had been home. Not until he came up behind me and placed a cold kiss on my cheek. Turning around, I swing my arms over his neck and place a kiss on his lips.

Jaehyun: Hey, love.

Me: Hey Jaehyun. How's work?

Jaehyun: It was ok. I had a few patients today but nothing too bad. How was your day?

Me: It was ok. Jaylen went with Mark and Taeyong for the weekend and Nailah is with her uncles since they are in town and wanted to spend time with her.

Jaehyun then raised an eyebrow.

Jaehyun: Oh ok. So it's just us two?

Me: Yea. For the weekend.

A flash of lust then twinkled in Jaehyun's eyes. I watched as he bent down and placed yet another kiss on my lips, this time, full of passion and lust. It almost felt as if he had been hungry for something. But it wasn't the kiss he was hungry for.

Within seconds, Jaehyun had been bending down more, placing his hands under my knees and lifting me up on the island of the kitchen without detaching from the now heated make out session. Feeling his tongue press against mine only made me want him more.

Being impatient, I reached up to unbutton his shirt. Removing his tie, I was able to unbutton 2 buttons before he grabbed my hand and pulled back.

Looking at me, this time very differently, he spoke in a deep tone.

Jaehyun: Go upstairs.

Ouu. Ok that sounded mean.

Looking up at him, I slid off the counter. He then placed one more lustful kiss on my lips. Turning around, I made my way upstairs and into the room, dimming the lights.

After dimming the lights, I went to the bathroom and took one good look at myself. At the bottom of my stomach, laid the feeling of nervousness. Why was I nervous?

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now