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Jaehyun POV...

We all watched as I walked up the stairs, holding on tightly to the rail and soon we heard a door being shut.

Johhny: Damn. How many hickeys did you leave on her?

Me: none of your business. That's between me and YN.

YangYang: Poor baby.

Johnny: You're 30, soon to be 31 and be laying your game down tight.

Ten: That's beside the point. She is covered in hickeys.

Me: look did you guys come to talk about me making love to my girlfriend or what?

Johnny: Do you plan on marrying her?

Me: Why are you talking about marriage? It's too soon for all that.

Johnny: Well I mean I just though-

Ten: We came because we saw her ex. He is a Korean R&B singer.

Me: Is he? Ok and?

Ten: I wonder how they met.

Me: So what about him?

Ten: We saw him near Jaylen's school. He had been sitting over at the playground drinking. He looked like he had gotten in a fight. There was this big gash on his face.

Me: Maybe he got what he deserved but if he comes near YN or those kids, there is gonna be big problems.

YangYang: Where is little baby Nailah? She is the only reason why I came.

Me: YN said she was with her uncles.

He then frowned.

Johnny: You got some food?

Me: Yea. You guys are welcome to stay if you can be mature and leave YN alone about her passion marks.

Johnny: Yes of course.


I had been scrolling though Netflix until The door swung open and Jaehyun stepped in.

Jaehyun: The guys are gonna stay for a while. Wanna come and chill with us?

Me: Mmm... sure.

I then got up and before stepping any further, Jaehyun went into the closet and threw a hoodie and some sweats at me.

Already knowing what to do, I pull the hoodie on over my shirt and put the sweats on over my biker shorts.

After pulling up the sweats, I looked up at Jaehyun who had worn a pleased smile. He then grabbed the front of the hoodie and pulled me closer to him then kissed me.

Me: Why do you kiss me so much?

Jaehyun: Because you are my baby. I love you. I love kissing your soft lips. And I know you like it.

He answered, placing both his hands on my booty.

I then pecked his lips, smiling up at him.

Me: let's go.

I said grabbing his hand and dragging him downstairs.

When we got down there, the guys had been sprawled throughout the living room, munching on various snacks. Jaehyun laid down on the love sofa.

Ten: you guys came back.

Me: Yea. You're eating Jaylen's fruit snacks.

I said looking down at him. Not mad or anything. Just stating a fact.

As I was waiting for some type of response from Ten who was just looking at me, kind of scared, I felt Jaehyun's hand reach in between my thighs and I was being pulled onto him.

Ten: I didn't know.

Me: That's ok. I was just letting you know. Jaylen might beat you up because he doesn't play about his welches.

Ten: Oh fuck.

Jaehyun: Jaylen will be fine. I can buy him lots more.

He said, bringing my face close to his.

I love looking Jaehyun in his eyes. They hold so much love and passion. They always make me melt.

Me: I love you.

Jaehyun: I love you too baby.

I then rested my head in the crook of his neck.

Johnny: That is too cute.

Ten: Johnny hold me.

YangYang: What?

As we relaxed, Jaehyun massaged my butt and I soon fell asleep.

Jaehyun POV-

As Yn had been sleep, her phone kept going off.  She had been receiving multiple text message, from Dean. 

Unlocking her phone, I delete the message then block his number. I think it's time for him to move on. 

I then placed her phone back where it was and rubbed circle on her back. Listening to her breath lightly.  

I have everything I could possibly ask for and I don't plan on letting that go. 

YangYang: Jaehyun, can we order pizza?

Me: Sure. I can order it. 

I then grabbed my phone and opened up the Papa Johns App and ordered the pizza. 

{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora