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When i arrived to the gym and got to the front counter, a man looked at me and smiled

Guy: hey. How may i help you

Me: im actually looking to start a membership. I nedd to loose some.... Extra fat

He then laughs and hands me a paper and pencil.

Guy: sign here here and here then give me your ID. And we dont go off pf monthy pays. We go based off of the days you come here. And thats 3 dollars a day.

Me: hmm sounds nice.

I then read over the paper befor signing it then read over it again. Everything seemed fine so i signed the Marked areas and gave him my ID.

Guy: ok here you go. You can go ahead and head anywhere you would like. I will send a trainer over there to as well.

Me: huh... Im ok i dont need a trainer.

Guy: you are new here and most likely dont know how to use the appliances correctly and may need some asistance.

Me: excuse me...

Someone then comes over to me.

Woman: excuse me miss. Why dont we head this way. My name is Jessica and i will be helping you.

Me: hi. Im YN

Jessica: what a lovely name.

Me: thank you.

We then head over to the smaller weights and i put my bag down. Jessica then pics up two 20 pound weights and hands them to me.

Jessica: ok so you are gonna be doing squats. But with these. It will work on you abdomen as well as your bottom.

She then shows me what i should do then i did it.

Jessica: you are going to do this a total of 20 times.

After that we moved over to a clear area and she layed down a mat for me to lay on.

Jessica: alright. So you are going to lay here on you back.

I then lay down.

Jessica: put your arms straight along your sides and what your are gonna do is lift your legs up and move your legs as if you are riding a bike.

I then do as she says. She then puts her hand on my tummy

Jessica: right here should start to feel a little tight.

She then moved her hand to my thigh.

Jessica: yup. Just 30 more seconds then you could take a water break

30 seconds passed and i rested a bit befpre getting up to get water. Jessica then approached me and put her hand on my lower back.

Jessica: we are going to do about 4 more exercises then you Will be all set for the day.

After getting water i headed over to jessica

Jessica: so next you are going to do russian twists.

She then showed me and i did the same exact thing.

Jessica: keep going to you feel the burn.

I kept going and going and going till i finally felt the burn. And gosh it really burned.

Jessica: so next i want ypu to wprk on wall crunches. Lay with your legs up against the wall then do your crunches.

I then did as she said. While doing the crunches she put her hand on my thigh yet again on my thigh but this time a little lower. A little to low as a matterfact.

Me: uhhh.. Jessic-

Jessica- shhh. Keep crunching


{Under Maintenance}Whât Šhe Thên Knew( Sequel to what she didn't know)Where stories live. Discover now