Capitolo 19

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HAPPY NEW YEAR, AMORES! I hope that you will still support me and my stories this 2021 just like what you did in the past. Thank you for always appreciating my stories. Love you all. :)



"Sorellona!" A smile appeared on my face upon seeing Iñigo happily running towards us just as we got out of the car. He and Amelia were at the part of the garden that was nearest to the entrance of the palace, busy chatting when we arrived.

We just came home to the palace and I didn't expect him to be here. I gladly opened my arms and gave him a warm embrace when Maximus put me down in my wheelchair. Since he's so tall, he had to bend over to hug me back.

"I missed you. I'm glad you're here." I said.

"I missed you too, sorellona." He then pulled away from me but not before I kissed his forehead. He pouted as he squatted before me while holding onto my wheelchair.

"C'mon, sorellona. Stop treating me like a little kid. I'm already a grown up." He complained and I couldn't help but to laugh.

"Really now, cucciolo? For me, you're still a kid though." I then ruffled his hair which made him pout even more. He was about to say something when someone spoke.

"I'm glad you finally decided to return, Ath." It was Amelia. As usual, she has that gentle smile on her face. She approached me and then gave me a hug.

"my vacation is already finished. Besides, I wanted to see that man and talk to him." I answered, referring to the man that the police have captured the other day who apparently was responsible of the failed assassination months ago.

Her face instantly filled with worry upon hearing what I've said.

"Are you sure it's okay for you to go and see him? What for? We shouldn't interact with him in any way because it won't surely do us any good."

"I want to hear everything from him. I want to know who's behind all of this. I know for sure that they're the one who targeted me last week. Thankfully, Maximus was there to save me." Amelia gasped.

"Oh, God. What happened?!" I took a deep breath and was about to answer when Maximus cleared his throat and that was the only time that Amelia noticed him. He was standing behind me. He still had bandages wrapped around his shoulder because of what happened.

Thankfully, it wasn't that serious. I got so scared when I saw the blood coming from his shoulder and I thought, I already lost him.

I was crying in fear while waiting outside the emergency area together with my grandparents. Thankfully, everything eventually became fine.

My annon called the police right away and sent the guards to chase after the assailant but unfortunately, they couldn't catch him. They did their best together with the police but it looked like that person was as slippery as an eel.

"What happened to your shoulder?" She asked Maximus. Maximus bowed his head towards Amelia first before answering. Iñigo remained quiet while staring at us full of curiosity. He then stood up quietly, obviously waiting for Maximus' answer.

"While we were at the garden, I noticed that the birds on the big tree near the gate flew away as if they got threatened by something. That's when I noticed that person aiming his gun at our direction, at Athena to be exact. Thankfully, my reflexes were fast and managed to save her in the nick of time."

Royal Saga 1: ATHENA, Princess of CostaviaWhere stories live. Discover now