(book 2)Capitolo 1

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Happy Friday, Amores! Enjoy!



I stared at my reflection in the mirror without any emotion on my face. I just finished putting my make up on and everything's perfect. But then, something was wrong.

"Wow. You're really good at putting your own make up. I wish I could do that to myself." My attention went to Amelia after hearing what she just said. An humorless chuckle escaped my lips.

"Well, what do you expect? Ath is an artist so putting her own make-up is just a piece of cake for her." Aria butted in. "But no matter how good she is in putting her own make-up on, there's still something missing."

Amelia's eyebrows creased. "What do you mean?" She huffed and then crossed her arms across her chest as she stared at me.

"I don't need to spill it out to you, little sis. Just one look at Ath and you'll see what I mean. Her eyes are sad that no amount of make-up or mask can hide it."

"What are you talking about? Maybe, you didn't have enough sleep again that's why you're seeing things." I tried to sound humorous but Aria rolled her eyes at me.

"Don't give me that. Ever since that someone disappeared, I haven't seen you smiled nor laugh anymore. I mean, yes, you've been like that during those times that you couldn't walk yet but you changed. When you came back from your vacation in De Falco farm, I saw the improvement in you. You became cheerful and full of life whenever you were with him. Even though we weren't that okay that time, I noticed those small details about you." My throat tightened as my emotions began going haywire.

"W-What are you talking about? You were mistaken. I was just—"

"Aria is right, Ath. Even though you never said anything, we noticed it. The way you two stared at each other whenever you thought that no one was looking was very clear indication that something was going on between you two. I didn't say anything about it because I was happy that you changed for the better. But I wish, I told nonna about it so that she could've done something to separate you two. Maybe that way, you wouldn't get hurt that much." Amelia said and that caught me off guard.

I thought, no one noticed in the palace but I was wrong. I swallowed hard and then cleared my throat, trying to gather myself together.

There was a sudden deafening silence and I couldn't take it. I had to break it.

"Do you want me to help you put your make up on? C'mon, we still have time." I offered, faking the best smile and cheerful voice I could muster.

They stared at each other meaningfully before they silently agreed. Normally, we have our own glam team, dressing us up for different occasions but today, we decided not to call them over because we thought, we could do it ourselves for a change.

Well, I could do it without any problem but Aria and Amelia were having a hard time putting their make-up on.

"Yes, please, Ath. I don't have patience with these kinds of things not to mention that I don't really know how to use make-up." That made me chuckle. Thankfully, they didn't insist for us to talk about what happened last year because I wouldn't know how to avoid it for sure.

"You're hopeless when it comes to these kinds of things." I said in disbelief and she laughed. I almost sighed in relief because they seemed to forgot about the topic a while ago.

Ever since we were old enough to know how to put make-up on our faces, Aria never really took any interest of learning how to do it properly. Our nonna and mamma had been scolding her about it. According to them, she was a princess of Costavia so she should know how to properly put make-up on her face. But Aria being Aria, she was so stubborn and didn't listen.

Royal Saga 1: ATHENA, Princess of CostaviaWhere stories live. Discover now