(book 2)Epilogo

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A/N: Athena and Maximus' story has finally come to an end and I'm happy because you've been with me from the beginning 'til the end. Honestly, 'Royal Saga 1: Athena, Princess of Costavia' is the most difficult story that I have ever written. Why? Because during these past few months, my family had been through a lot. We encountered the most difficult trial in our lives and it affected me mentally and emotionally. Thankfully, I managed to finish this after everything that had happened these past few months. We're still in the process of healing and I hope that everything will be okay soon. Anyway, thank you again for the support and I'm hoping that you will still support all my next stories. Love you, Amores! Zoé Isabel

A/N: My next story will be 'THE BEAUTY & THE POSSESSIVE SERIES 5'. Do you have any idea who from the TBG club will be the main lead in series 5?

One more thing. I granted your wish for a long update so I hope you like the ending. Enjoy and see you in the next story!




I ran after Athena, determined to not let her go. We've been through a lot already and I would never let our relationship come to an end like this. The moment she turned her back on me and walked away, I knew that instant that I couldn't care less about anything else anymore.

Fùck everything that I've been trying to get back since I was a child because all those things would be meaningless without her by myside.

I've fought all my enemies not just because I wanted to obtain the justice for my mother but because I wanted to fix my life for Athena as well. I wanted to live a peaceful and happy together with her and our future children.

Now that I finally defeated my enemies, we could finally start over again but I wouldn't be able to do that without Athena. She's my life and I wouldn't know how to live life without her by my side.

"Mi hermosa, wait!" I called for her loudly but she didn't stop and continued running away until she reached the gate which was open at that time for some reason.

I picked up my pace. I knew that she just wanted to get away from me for the time being but not like this. I should make sure that she would be okay.

When I ran past the gates, I saw Athena getting near the road. Then, my eyes widened when I saw that a speeding car heading towards her.

"Athena!" I called for her with a loud voice as inexplainable fear crept within me. If I could only fly, I already did it in an instant. I heard the squeaking sound of tires and I felt like the beating of my heart stop when the car hit her.

"No! Athena!" I felt like my head became double in size. Everything became slowly motion and as I ran toward her, calling for her name.

"No, no, no! Athena!" I said with a trembling tone as I held her in my arms. I saw blood and it felt like my brain wasn't functioning at all. Tears ran down my cheeks. I felt so scared.

"Mi hermosa, please, don't leave me. Please, wake up." I cried like a child, didn't know what to do.

She slowly opened her eyes and then raised her hand to touch my cheek. "D-Dolce m-metà..." Her voice was faint. "I-" Whatever she wanted to say was cut off when she suddenly vomited blood.

"Mi hermosa!" The fear and panic within me doubled. I was literally shaking in panic and fear. I was about to shout for help when I saw an ambulance stop before us. It was the Palace's private ambulance.

Royal Saga 1: ATHENA, Princess of CostaviaWhere stories live. Discover now