(book 2)Capitolo 6

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A/N: Bonjour, Amores! How this story so far? 




I was at a loss for words while staring at him through the rearview mirror. He averted his gaze and looked before us, concentrating on driving as if he didn't hear what I've just said. Instead of feeling scared for my life, my traitorous heart pounded erratically that I wanted to smack myself.

I mentally shook my head and managed to gathered myself together after a minute or so.

"What are you doing in my car? What do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth but he remained silent. Looked like he didn't have any intention of answering any of my questions. Instead, he stepped on the gas to accelerate our speed.

I gasped and held onto my seat. "Mr. Vázquez! What do you think you're doing?! Stop the car!" I yelled.

"Don't worry, mi hermosa. Everything's going to be alright." I clenched my jaw in growing anger. I took my bag and was about to take my phone from it to call someone when he spoke.

"Are you really going to call the police, mi hermosa? Can't you at least hear me out first?" His voice was begging which took me by surprise.

"We don't have anything to talk about! Now, stop the car and let me out of here!" I commanded full of anger and to my surprise, he reduced speed and then stopped the car on the shoulder of the road. He then quickly got out and then opened the door for me.

I got out of the car, breathing hard while our gazes locked.

"Mi hermosa—" Before he could finish what he wanted to say, my palm landed on his cheek.

"—Don't you dare come near me! We don't have anything to talk about because we're through! Now, either you let me go and turn yourself in or the police will make you surrender by force!" I was already breathing hard because of so much anger.

He looked shocked of what I've done as he touched his cheek and I thought, he would show the real him and hit me back but he remained calm as his eyes turned somber.

"You really hate me that much that you don't even want to listen to me?" Even his voice was full of sadness but I knew better. He already played me in the past and I would never let him do that to me again.

"Yes! Now, let me go because my fiancé is waiting for me!" I didn't know why I said that. All I knew was, I was too angry to even think rationally. I was about to walk past him to get to the other side of the car when he suddenly scooped me up onto his arms bridal style.

"Mr. Vázquez! What do you think you're doing?! Put me down! Help!" I screamed to the top of my lungs but no one was there to help me. All I could see was endless trees along the winding road.

He walked towards a red car and I saw a guy standing near the car, looking at us with a smirk on his face.

"You really did it." He uttered amusedly while looking at us.

"Just open the fùcking door!" Maximus ordered irritably. The guy laughed and then opened the passenger door. Maximus put me down on the back seat even though I was thrashing.

"Damn you! This is kidnapping!" I hit him on the chest and tried to struggle, fighting my way of out of there but he was just too strong.

"Stop it, mi hermosa. I'm sorry for doing this but I didn't have a choice." He said and then closed the door. I tried to open it but it was locked. I saw the two guys talk to each other before I notice the other guy go to my car and drove it away while Maximus on the other hand got in the car where I was in, then started the engine and drove off from there.

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