Capitolo 17

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A/N: This chapter shows a little bit of a glimpse about the real Maximus. After all these lovey-dovey stuff, the flow of the story will become heavier. LOL

100 comments for the next chapter on Monday Tuesday. 



All of my senses went on alert mode when I felt a presence behind me. I readied myself as was about to pull my gun out underneath my shirt when that person spoke.

"It's me, boss." It was Manuel. I slowly released a breath before pulling some smoke again from my cigarette and then blew it out.

"Make sure that you have some good news for me." I stated void of any tinge of emotion without looking at him.

"I'm sorry, boss, but I have bad news. We lost track of him. He disappeared and we don't know where his exact location right now because they apprehended our spy and now, our men can no longer contact him." I gritted my teeth as I grounded my cigarette out in the ashtray. My breathing became hard as anger rose within me.

"When was the last time you had talked with our spy?"

"Two days ago, boss." I pounded my fist on the arm rest of the couch as I turned around and looked at Manuel with a dark expression on my face. I wanted to explode in anger but I knew that I shouldn't let my emotions rule me over.

I've been doing nothing but be patient lately and it was slowly draining me out. If only I could do everything swiftly so that all these would be finished already.

"Do whatever you can to find that man. We can't let him do everything that he pleases. Not now that I already started my plans."

"Yes, boss. We'll do everything we could. I'll contact our men to tell them what to do next." He then turned around and was about to leave but I spoke again.

"Tell what happened to our spy to the Special Force. I want them to find him and save him if he's still alive." My jaw flexed as my eyes darkened in rage. Manuel turned his head and looked back at me as a small smile curved his lips.

"Consider it done, boss." My forehead wrinkled.

"Why are you smiling?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing, boss. I am just happy that you want to save our spy."

"You know me, Manuel. I always stay true to my words. Besides, I know the people who are loyal to me. Maurice has been working hard just to give us some useful information and I promised him that I would do everything in my power to save him in case something happens."

"This is why I've been loyal to you all this time, boss. Yes, people who know you are afraid of you because of what you're capable of but in our world, you're the only one I know who has a word of honor. You don't abandon your men that's why I chose to serve you until the day I die. I'll go on ahead, boss." He then left.

The corner of my lips lifted. Yes, I'm used of people getting scared of me because of what I used to do but I've never cared about that. But now that I came here to Costavia, everything that has been happening to me were new to me, especially with Athena.

At first, I didn't know how to deal with it, but now, I've learned how to do my part and started getting used of it.

The lovely face of Athena suddenly popped up on my mind. Her sweet smile whenever she's happy, how her cheeks turn red whenever she's pissed off and how she bites her bottom lip while moaning so seductively as I pleasure her.

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