Capitolo 4

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A/N: What do you think of this story so far, Amores?



"I'll just take this to the limousine and then we'll go after that, Your Royal Highness." Sita said, referring to the suitcase. I nodded my head as a response. When she went out of my room, I continued reading my book while sitting in my wheelchair.

Then, after a couple of seconds, I heard a knock on the slightly open door. My forehead crinkled and looked at the door. I cocked up an eyebrow upon seeing who it was. Maximus.

He bowed his head and then cleared his throat.

"Can I talk to you, Your Royal Highness?"

"No, I am busy." I answered casually and continued reading my book again. Everything went silent. I discreetly looked at his direction from the corner of my eyes and saw how his jaw was flexing but he remained silent. I could tell that he was frustrated.

I thought, he would leave because I was giving him cold shoulders, but he remained standing there while staring at me silently. I suddenly felt uncomfortable under his gaze. I could feel his heated gaze on me, and it made my heart thump faster.

"Your Royal Highness, everything is prepared. We can leave now." The deafening silence broke by Sita's voice. I released the breath that I didn't know I was holding upon seeing her.

"Okay, let's go then." I answered simply. She was about to approach me to push my wheelchair when Maximus spoke.

"You can go on ahead, Sita. I'll be the one to push Her Royal Highness' wheelchair." My jaw dropped.

"Are you sure?"

His lips curved with a lopsided grin. "Of course, Sita."

"Okay. I'll just take Her Royal Highness' bag." I was about to protest but she already went on ahead. Maximus went behind me and started pushing my wheelchair out of my room.

Our bodies were not touching but I felt like there was an electric-like sensation that crawled up my spine because of his presence behind me. Cazzo, Athena! What's happening with you?! This is just Maximus! You don't have to get affected by his presence!

Oddly, everything was silent between us while we were down the hallway. I sighed in relief because he didn't say anything.

When we reached the elevator, I wanted to facepalm when I saw that the elevator was open, and two men were fixing it. I looked at the other elevator at the right side and it was the same.

When the workers noticed us, they immediately stopped and bowed their heads towards me.

"Good morning, Your Royal Highness."

"Good morning. Is there a problem with the elevators?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, but we'll be finished fixing everything in 30 about minutes." One of them answered. I groaned inwardly.

"Then we'll use the other elevators in the left wing."

"Sorry, Your Royal Highness, but all the elevators are down right now."

"Then, we don't have a choice but to wait." I uttered and sighed but then gasped when I felt my wheelchair move.

"What are you doing? Didn't you hear what they've said?" I asked Maximus with furrowed eyebrows.

Royal Saga 1: ATHENA, Princess of CostaviaWhere stories live. Discover now