Capitolo 7

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A/N: Hi, Amores. I'm sorry that I couldn't update last Friday. Just like I've told you before, my family and I have been facing difficult times these past one week until now so I just want to say that I would probably update whenever I could from now on. Hope you understand. 



I looked in the vanity mirror and stared at my reflection. I gingerly touched the pendant of the necklace that I was wearing. I bit my lower lip. It was Maximus' necklace.

For some reason, I couldn't throw it away. Maybe, I only kept it to use it as a replacement of my Royal chastity necklace that has been missing for a year now.

According to my mamma, she gave that necklace to me when I was still 5 years old. Aria, Amelia and I started wearing our own Royal chastity necklace at the same age while Aris and Antonius have their Royal Chevalier crest necklace that were given to them during their 7th birthdays.

Since I've been wearing mine for so long, it became my habit to touch it whenever I was tensed or something. It became a part of me. I knew very well how important it was, so I've been protecting it with all my might that's why when I lost it, I felt like I lost a part of me too.

I heaved a sigh and then hid it underneath my top so that Maximus wouldn't notice it. The chain of it was the same as my Royal chastity necklace. As long as he wouldn't have the chance to see the pendant, he wouldn't surely think that it was his.

I would never let him know that I kept his necklace instead of throwing it away.

Then, I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Sita came in.

"Are you ready, Your Royal Highness?"

"Yes. Let's go." She nodded her head and then started pushing my wheelchair out of the room. I looked at the time on my phone and it was still 7 am.

"What about Maximus, Your Royal Highness? It's his duty to guard you wherever you go."

"Don't think about him, Sita. I told him to have his break today so he's surely still sleeping at this hour. Besides, De Falco farm is a safe place. I don't really need him to follow me around."

"Okay, Your Royal Highness. Whatever you say." She continued pushing my wheelchair until we exited the manor. My grandparents already went out of the house around 6 am because they have an important meeting with some important people in the business world.

We followed the cemented trail towards the lake and after about 5 minutes, we arrived at our destination. The sun has already started rising above the horizon. I suddenly had the urge to paint.

I decided to come here to see the beautiful view as the sun rises but now, that motivation to paint suddenly surged within me.

"Sita, can you please get me my artist paint set? I want to paint right now." She looked hesitant as she looked around. No one was there aside from us. I knew what was on her mind judging by the look on her face.


"—Don't worry about me, Sita. I will be fine. I'll wait for you here." I interrupted her with an authoritative tone. She couldn't do anything other than to nod her head and then went back to the manor.

I continued watching the beautiful view. The color of the sunrise was reflecting in the water and it looked so amazing. The sun was slowly peeking out of the mountain and the view was spectacular. Nothing beats a mountain and body of water together in one place. The fresh air was an added bonus.

Royal Saga 1: ATHENA, Princess of CostaviaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin