Capitolo 15

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A/N: Hi, Amores! I wanted to include what happened to Lucca's birthday party in this chapter but it was already too long, so it will be on the next chapter. 

WARNING!!! This chapter contains MATURE scenes for ADULTS and OPEN-MINDED readers only! Read at your own risk!

100 comments once again for the next chapter on Monday or Tuesday. Happy weekend, Amores! Enjoy!



2 weeks ago

I felt like losing my mind as Maximus worshipped my body as if I was the most alluring and desirable woman he'd ever seen. His movements were rough yet gentle at the same time as if he couldn't get enough of me.

I was already topless underneath him while moaning wantonly. I've never thought that making love with the man you have feelings with felt this good and it was making my mind hazy that I couldn't think straight anymore.

All that was on my mind was me and Maximus, succumbing onto our desires without a care in the world. I threw all the cautions to the wind, forgetting about our situation and the royal family.

My moans became louder when he alternately toyed with my already hardened nipples with his playful mouth.

"Maximus!" I called for his name loudly and then bit my lower lip. I could feel myself getting wetter with each passing second and the heat in the pit of my stomach flared up.

He gave his attention to them for I didn't know how long before he slowly kissed his way down south until he reached my navel. He gave butterfly kissed around it, before the tip of his tongue traced its way down to my belly, teasing me. The anticipation was already killing me.

His hands reached for the zipper of my shorts and unzipped it.

"M-Maximus, wait." I said with an almost inaudible voice. I suddenly felt embarrassed of the thought of him seeing my everything.

"I want to see you, mi hermosa. All of you." His eyes were like begging and I didn't' have the heart to deny his request. I swallowed hard as my heart raced but nodded my head and then closed my eyes, waiting for his next move.

He eased my shorts and panties off of me at the same time and threw them across the room. He spread my legs and I couldn't help but to squeeze my eyes shut while holding my breath.

I didn't know why I could easily surrender onto Maximus' requests while when I was still in a relationship with Warren, I always had that fear and doubt within me everytime he tried to be intimate with me. I thought before that maybe, it was because I was afraid that my family would totally kick me out of the Royal family if they discovered about our relationship.

But when he told me that he was getting tired of our secret relationship and wanted the whole nation to know about it, I've planned that night to happen. I wanted to give him my virginity because if that happened, the Royal family wouldn't have a choice but to accept our relationship.

But an unexpected happened and until now, I still didn't have any idea whom I've made love with that night. Because of my carelessness, that happened.

I groaned inwardly as what transpired between me and that unknown man came back to me. I couldn't help it because the sensation, anticipation and heat that I've experienced that night felt exactly the same as now.

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