Capitolo 16

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A/N: Hi, Amores! I updated a little bit late today because I revised this chapter. This is the longest chapter so far. I hope you like this chapter. Enjoy. :)

100 comments for the next chapter on Friday or Saturday. 



The happy face of Lucca greeted me when he opened the door for us. He invited us over to his place for dinner.

"Good evening, everyone. Come on in." He cheerfully said as he bowed his head towards me as formality before air-kissing my grandparents. My grandpa then pushed my wheelchair while my grandma followed us behind.

We went to the living room.

"Where is Lana? I was expecting her to be here with us tonight." My annon remarked while looking around, looking for Lucca's mother.

"Mamma is not here, signora. She went to Switzerland with her friends. They will stay there for a couple of days." My grandma nodded her head in understanding before opening another topic.

Lucca's maids served some finger foods while we were waiting for the dinner to be served.

"This is for you, Lucca. I'm sure, you'll love this." My annon said with a smile and gave him the present that they specially bought for him abroad. It was an M10 Digital Rangefinder Camera. Lucca gasped as he stared at the packaging.

"Oh, my gosh! Is this what I think it is?"

"Of course. We know that you love photography so much so we thought of getting you something like this. Well, we know that you have a lot of good cameras but we still wanted to give you one. You've been a very good best friend to our Athena here so it's some sort of a reward too." My unnon said and Lucca squealed.

"I've been eyeing this camera for quite sometime now but I've been hesitating to buy it because of the price. You don't know how happy I am, signor and signora De Falco. Thank you so much!" He looked genuinely happy and my grandparents chuckled amusedly.

"You're welcome, Lucca." Lucca as was about to answer when I decided to kill his merry mood a little bit.

"So, you're accepting a reward for being my best friend?" I asked with an eyebrow cocked up. His eyebrows rose.

"Okay. I don't like that look on your face right now. If you're unhappy about it, I'll just return it." He was about to give it back to my grandparents but I burst into laughter.

"Of course, I was just kidding. I know that you will always be my best friend whether you have a reward or not." He sneered but then smiled.

"Of course. I will always be here for you no matter what happens. What friends are for, right?" I was about to answer when someone spoke.

"What about me? Don't tell me, you already forgot about your other best friend? Where's my reward too?" I looked at the one who spoke and I gasped in surprise upon seeing her. It was Daniella, standing near the staircase.

As usual, she was wearing a bloody red lipstick and thick dark eyeshadows. Thankfully, she's beautiful no matter what she puts on her face.

"Oh, Gosh! Since when did you come back?!" I inquired excitedly. She rushed towards me and gave me a hug. We were both so happy seeing each other again. The last time we saw each other was during the interment of my mother.

One of the things that made me difficult to be happy these past few months was my best friends weren't with me. My mother's death was the most painful thing that have happened to me and dwelling with the pain alone wasn't easy.

Royal Saga 1: ATHENA, Princess of Costaviaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें