Capitolo 23

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This chapter is a little bit longer than usual. Enjoy! I hope you like it! :)

WARNING!!! This chapter contains MATURE scenes intended for ADULTS & OPEN-MINDED readers only! Read at your own risk!



I looked at my test papers with a wide smile on my face. I perfected it! I studied so hard so it wasn't that surprising that I aced every subject. I put it in my bag and then ran towards the door. My two bodyguards were already there at the doorway, waiting for me.

"Let's go home, quick!" I commanded and they nodded their heads. We exited the school and got into the limousine. While on our way home, the smile on my face was still there.

"You look so excited, Prince Maximus." Manuel said, one of my bodyguards. He's been serving the Imperial Family ever since I was still a baby. Now, 9 years later, he remained loyal to us.

"I want to see mama as soon as possible. I want to show her my tests results." I answered excitedly and he nodded his head.

When we arrived home, I quickly got out of the limousine and ran towards the entrance. As usual, every person that saw me curtsied or bowed their heads towards me. My bodyguards were quick to follow me.

When I reached the room of my parents, I knocked but no one answered nor opened the door for me.

"Mama?!" I said with a loud voice while still knocking but it remained silent inside. I knew that my father wasn't home yet because he went to Camara, the biggest city in the northern part of Nuevo Imperio, for a reason I wasn't aware of.

I couldn't understand why I suddenly felt weird while knocking. My heart began beating rapidly and the fear within me was escalating with each passing second that no one was coming to open the door.

"One of the maids told me that the Queen has been inside her room since she came home around 1 pm, Prince Maximus." Manuel said. Now, the worry within me doubled.

"Get the spare key, Hans." I ordered one of my bodyguards and he obliged right away. After about a minute or so, he came back with the key in his hand. He used the key to open the door.

"Mama!" I called for her in a loud voice upon entering but no one answered. Then, I felt relieved when I saw her lying quietly in the bed. Looked like she was asleep.

"Looks like the Queen is asleep, Prince Maximus." Hans said with an almost inaudible voice. I motioned for them to stay at the doorway while me on the other hand marched my way towards her bed. I hopped onto it and was about to shake her by the shoulder to wake her up when I noticed something wrong.

Even though I was just a kid, I knew that everything was wrong.

"M-Mama..." I began to cry. Even though I wasn't a crybaby, my tears fell down right away like waterfalls.

"What happened, Prince Maximus?" Manuel and Hans asked as they approached the bed in a hurry just to gasp out loud when they saw my mother. She was so pale and unresponsive.

"Call for an ambulance, Hans! Quick!" Manuel said in a loud voice and Hans obliged right away. Everything happened so fast. The next thing I knew, my mother was gone. She died that day.

That night, I kept on crying and crying while staring at my tests results while asking myself why did she leave me.

I was so excited to go home because I wanted to see her smile the moment she sees the results of my exams but I never got to see that because she passed away. She didn't get sick. In fact, she was as healthy as I could remember.

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