Capitolo 2

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I knew that he was just some playboy who was trying his chance to be with a princess like me, so I ignored him. I've met many opportunistic men before and I learned how to avoid them. I thought, Maximus would eventually get tired, but he was so persistent.

Then one night, something happened. That short moment I spent with Maximus was a big mistake. Because of my drunkenness, I did something I shouldn't've...

"Just like that, guys! Let's get drunk until we drop!" Lindsay shouted before chugging her glass of alcohol down in one gulp.

"Yeah! It's finally summer vacation tomorrow so let's celebrate!" Jessica answered while dancing wildly. We were on the dance floor, dancing without a care in the world.

"You're right, guys! Let's have some more!" Liliana added. There were 10 of us and everyone was already drunk. I could already feel the effect of alcohol within me. Because of that, I decided to go back to our table.

But before I reached our table, two guys blocked my way. I gazed at them with squinted eyes. Just one look at them and I could already tell that they're among the paparazzies of Costavia.

"Buonasera, Principessa Athena. May we have a minute of your time?" They asked. Then, I noticed that one of them was already taking a video of me with his phone.

"You're mistaken. I'm not Princess Athena." I answered and then ran towards the exit. Cazzo! I already disguised myself, but they still recognized me. Damn these paparazzies! Now, I regret not taking any of my Royal guards with me. Well, I escaped without them noticing it.

"Wait, Princess Athena!" I heard them calling and my eyes widened when I saw them running after me.

"Cazzo!" I cussed when I felt like the world suddenly spin in a fast motion. I stopped running to prevent myself from falling to the ground. Damn! I'm really drunk, I told myself.

They were almost near when a car suddenly stopped in front of me.

"Get in." A familiar voice said from the inside. I've heard that voice before, I thought. I looked behind me again and they almost caught up to me. I didn't think twice. I opened the car door and got inside the car. The moment I closed the door, I heard the squeaking of the tires as the car drove off in a fast speed.

"Hey, slow down!" I hissed but then gasped when I realized who the driver was. Maximus. "Y-You?!"

He smirked. "Who else would it be, mi hermosa?"

"Don't call me that!" I glared at him, but he didn't even look affected.

"I'm sorry, mi hermosa, but no can do. I like calling you that." I gritted my teeth but decided to just let it slide. I didn't want to argue with him. I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the headrest of the seat. Darn it. I felt tired not to mention drunk. Thankfully, Maximus remained quiet after that. I didn't know how long I was in that position until I felt the car stop. Maximus finally spoke again.

"Let's get out. I want to show you something, mi hermosa." I opened my eyes and looked around. He got out of the car and opened the door for me.

"Where are we?"

He chuckled. "Why don't you just get out of the car to see where?" I rolled my eyes and was about to get out of the car when I felt like my knees lose their strength. Because of that, I lost my balance. I squealed but thankfully, Maximus caught me by the waist.

Royal Saga 1: ATHENA, Princess of CostaviaWhere stories live. Discover now