Capitolo 21

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A/N: From now on, I'll update again on TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS. 100 comments for every chapter for the update. Thank you :) 




I tried to keep my word the next few days after that. I didn't go to any party nor go somewhere with my friends. I tried avoiding them especially that my grandmother and mother have been keeping their eyes on me more than before.

Because I was still grounded, I just stayed inside the palace doing everything that I loved like painting and other stuff. There are some occasions where I had to appear public with my family but went straight home after those events.

"Hmmm. This is new. You woke up early and now, you're painting." I turned my head to the one who spoke behind me and saw my mother. I smiled at her.

"C'mon, mamma. You know how I love painting. Besides, I woke up early because I went jogging." Worry flooded her face.

"Did you go out of the palace again?" I rolled my eyes.

"No, mamma. I just jogged around here at the garden. Yes, I wanted to go out to do my morning jog but I knew that you wouldn't be pleased because I'm still grounded." She looked relieved but I couldn't help but to get irritated.

I've behaving these past few days so was expecting for them to have a little trust in me. Well, I've sneaked out the palace a couple of times before so I couldn't blame them for feeling that way. But still, I couldn't help but to feel kinda annoyed.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't bored just staying inside the palace but even so, I've been trying my best.

She sat next to me. "You know why we're doing these, right, vita mia?" I sighed and stopped what I was doing.

"Of course, mamma, that's why I've been trying my best to behave. It's just that I can't help but to feel like I'm getting suffocated here. You're not this strict when it comes to my siblings and I can't help but to wonder why." I finally voiced out my sentiment.

Yes, it has been a while since I had these thoughts. My mamma and nonna always have their eyes on me and when I mess up, they would punish me by grounding me which never happened to my siblings before.

She heaved a sigh and then spoke. "Look at mamma, vita mia." I pouted but obliged anyway. She raised her hand and then gently caressed my cheek affectionately.

"Your nonna and I have been very strict towards you because you're too carefree and wild. You always get into trouble and we don't want something bad to happen to you. Antonius and Aris have been very responsible even though they've had their own share of mess. Besides, they're already grown up men and they can take care of themselves physically.

"While Aria and Amelia have always been cautious of their behavior outside. They don't go to parties and don't go out often as well. While you on the other hand is the opposite. Yes, just like your sisters, you're also cautious in some way but you always run into trouble because of your temper.

"You're the most impatient and ill-tempered when it comes to the three of you sisters. You're the girl version of Antonius when it comes to things like these. I know that you're a strong woman and can protect yourself but we women should accept the fact that we're physically weaker than men.

"Bad guys could easily overpower us if they wanted to. You know very well that you belong to the Royal Family and danger and controversy are part of our lives.

Royal Saga 1: ATHENA, Princess of CostaviaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ