(book 2)Capitolo 31

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A/N: Bonjour, Amores! I'm sorry for updating so late. Just like I've mentioned on my announcement, I've been so busy lately that's why I couldn't write. Anyway, This is the last chapter before the Epilogue. I hope you like this chapter. Enjoy! --Zoé

100 comments for the Epilogue tomorrow. :)



I couldn't explain the pain that I was feeling in my heart. I felt betrayed and hurt because of all the revelations of Maximus. I really thought, he'd been honest towards me all this time but I was wrong because from the moment we first met, everything that he showed me was already nothing but lies.

He deliberately made me fall in love with him and the fool that I was, I fell into his trap. I feel so stupid. Am I that gullible? Warren came into my life a month after my mother passed away. He pretended to be a nice person that I could rely on.

Maybe, I was just so vulnerable that time that's why he managed to fool me. Yes, I got hurt when I thought, he left me in exchange for money, but after that, I moved on.

While with Maximus, the pain of discovering his betrayal felt like it was too much for me to handle. I felt like a hand was squeezing my heart, robbing me off my breath. It must be the fact that I fell in love with him that's why I couldn't see right through him.

"Why? Do I look like an object to you? An object that you can use whatever and whenever you please?" I asked full of resentment and he shook his head. My voice faltered because of all the mixed negative emotions that I was feeling.

"No! I've never thought of you like that. Yes, I know that I committed a lot of mistakes because of my revenge but I've never thought of you like that."

"Then, why did you deceive and use me like this knowing that this could hurt me so much? You even pretended to be Warren that night in order to claim me without my knowledge! After that, you made me fall in love with you just to achieve your goals! Didn't you know how much all these could hurt me?! It hurts here so much because the man I only loved was playing with me all along!" I angrily said the last sentence while pointing at the part of my chest where my heart was located.

My tears were unstoppable. Much as I wanted to stop them from falling, I couldn't. The pain was just too unbearable that it felt like my heart was being slice into tiny pieces.

"Please forgive me, mi hermosa. I was so blinded by my rage that my better judgement was clouded. All I cared back then was to give justice of what happened to my mother and get what was rightfully mine. But believe me or not, during those times that we spent together; I fell madly in love with you, so much that it was impossible to control. You changed me for the better.

"Even though I kept on telling myself not to love you, my traitorous heart was just too stubborn until I finally got tired of lying to myself and gave in. When I saw you with Lucca, I thought I was going to go crazy because of so much jealousy. That was my first time feeling that way and it confused the hell out of me. Then, I eventually realized that my heart was only beating for you.

"Yes, I committed a lot of mistakes but I will never regret those times that we spent together because those were the best moments of my life aside from those moments that I spent with my mother. Maybe, you won't believe me now but my love for you is sincere. I hope, you believe that. You're the only one who owns my heart until my last breath. I love you so much, mi hermosa. So much that I forgot about my goals." Tears were threatening for fall from his eyes as well. He raised his hands and wiped my tears with his thumbs.

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