Chapter 72

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"You! You shouldn't be here. You need to leave, now!" I shout

"Just who the hell do you think you are?! Speaking to me like that. Those are my grandchildren and my daughter in there!" He shouts back

"Yeah? Where have you been this entire pregnancy?? Where were you when You found out about her pregnancy? What did you do?! Oh, that's right! You fucking kicked her out, you coward! You don't deserve to claim those innocent babies as your grandchildren and Hailey certainly didn't deserve the way you treated her!" I spit

Before I know it, his fist connects to my jaw causing me to stumble backwards.

"Call security!" One of the nurses yells, I grab him by the collar of his shirt and back him up against a wall.

"You are so fucking lucky I love your daughter because although she wouldn't mind, I'm not going to hit you and stoop so low to your level. Now you get the hell out of here and you NEVER show your face around me, Hailey or my fucking children EVER again. They will never know you, I will make sure of it!" I let go of his shirt just as security ran up.

I wipe my lip and see blood is coming from it, fuck! I walk to the bathroom and clean up. As I'm walking out the nurse runs up to me.

"There's two more visitors, they said their names were Tom and Jake and that they're Haileys brothers?" She questions

"Let em in, I've been keeping them updated." I calmly say as I walk to where they're standing.

"Hey guys, in order to see Hailey and the babies there are a few conditions. You aren't to show your dad ANY photos of them and you aren't to update him on anything. He won't be apart of their lives, I won't have it." I state

"We agree. In fact, we don't even associate with him anymore. We got our own place and cut off all contact with him because of how abusive he is and was towards Hal. Our father has never been like that but then again he doesn't typically drink either and he's been doing a hell of a lot more of than since he found out about Haileys pregnancy, we won't have it, Harry." Jake states

"Good. Follow me" I say and they do.

We walk through the door of the nursery and over to the babies, "Tom, Jake, meet Gracelinn Amara Styles and Harold Samuel Styles. Gracelinn, Harold. Meet your uncle Thomas and uncle Jake, yeah they look alike but you'll learn the difference." I smile "you can hold them if you want?" I offer

Although Tom agreed to do so while smiling from ear to ear, Jake didn't seem too intrigued at the thought of touching them.

"Jake, how come you don't want to hold your niece and nephew?" I ask curiously

"I- I don't want to break them, I feel like if I hold them they'll break. They're too fragile, I can't." He stumbles out

I erupt in a fit of laughter and so does Tom, "Jake, you won't break them, babies are actually very flexible because their bones aren't connected yet. Here, if it would make you more comfortable you can even sit down while you hold them, yeah?" I offer him as I pick up Gracelinn.

"I- okay, okay, fine. She looks so much like Hailey." He softly says as I place the baby girl in his arms.

"Yeah, she really does. Honestly they both do. There are a few similarities between Harry and the babies too though, they're like a perfect combination of the two of them" Tom chimes in

"Yeah, isn't that the truth!" Harry smiles

My Fathers boss. |HS| (editing)Where stories live. Discover now