Chapter 46

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"Well, well, well. Ladies and gentlemen! Would you look at the happy couple!" I stop in my tracks. Oh no..I know that voice anywhere it's..Brad...and mrs. Styles?!

She grabs the microphone "I always knew you had a thing for her Harry. I just didn't know you guys were SLEEPING TOGETHER." Harry scratches his neck "yeah? So what?" He retaliates

"How-how did you know??" I ask them.

"Well, you see Hailey. I hired a private investigator to follow you since obviously you didn't want anything to do with me and so I though 'hmm, why wouldn't Hailey want me?' and damn the first time he didn't get you two but the last time...he got you good 'oh daddy yes' yeah he heard it all" he mocks and I turn bright red.

"You cheated on me Brad! That's why I didn't fucking want you! And he's way better than you in bed any fucking way." I growl.

Brad gets off the stage and slaps me. He's drunk. "You stupid bitch!" And he starts to choke me when Harry immediately pulls him off of me "you both need to leave! Now!" He shouts at them helping me up. I look over at my dad who shakes his head and leaves.

"Dad wait!" I shout after him.

"Hal. I knew you liked him but I didn't know you'd sleep with my boss! That's the shittiest thing anybody could ever do to their family. I want you OUT of my house by tomorrow when I get off of work." I stop

"But dad I'm sorry!" I start crying and he gets in the car and leaves.

I stand there staring as he leaves and Harry comes over and holds me "you can stay here Hailey. You and the baby. We'll go get your stuff tonight and bring it here I promise everything will be okay." And so we did. I moved in that very night.

My Fathers boss. |HS| (editing)Where stories live. Discover now