Chapter 11.

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As I'm walking to the principals' office lost in my thoughts about that jackass Harry I run into yet again another person. Except for this time, it's the person I came to see. The principal. Just my luck.

"Oh my Gosh, I'm so sorry!" I say really worried she won't like me after this.

"It's alright darling, you must be Hailey, yeah?" She smiles warmly.

"Y-Yeah" I stutter.

"Ah, you're nervous." She says.

Obviously. I think to myself, but instead, I just say "yeah. I mean I haven't exactly made the best first impression.." I mumble out.

"You're perfectly fine. Follow me and I'll get you your schedule and locker information." She says while walking away. I just follow without saying another word until we get there.

"Here you go." She hands me two papers and a book.

"What's the book for Ms.." I look around to see if I can find her name until she tells me "Mrs. Styles." She says causing my eyes to go wide. This is Harry's wife! "Thank you, Mrs. Styles." I smile and walk away quickly not even caring what the book was for.

Once I get to my first period which is Math I walk in quietly and hand the teacher a piece of paper and walk to the back about to sit down when he tells everyone "this is our new student Haley, I expect you all to be nice to her. Hailey, why don't you introduce yourself?" She says.

"Oh..okay, um, I'm Hailey, and my dad works at Styles styling, I have two older brothers that are twins, and I am 17.." I quietly say but audible enough for everyone to hear, and then sitting down. This should be an interesting day, I think to myself.

I'm walking in the halls after the bell rings looking for my next class in b114 which is Anatomy when I bump into another person causing me to drop my books. Apologizing, I kneel down and start picking up my books when I see the guy kneeling to help me.

"it's alright love" He reassures.

I look up and holy crap he's gorgeous!

"Th-Thank you." I stutter as he helps me up.

"Are you new here?" He asks.

"Yeah.. my father got a job transfer" I stop myself

"Can you help me find room B114?" I ask and he nods.

I follow him closely as people look at us and whisper making me feel a little uncomfortable. "Just ignore it, Hailey, Just ignore it," I say to myself.

"Here we are, room B114. Oh and I'm Charlie, the head of the football team." he shakes my hand.

"I'm Hailey, the girl that hopes she can make friends." I laugh as he does too.

"Well Hailey, if you'd like I could be your friend." He sweetly says.

I smile "I'd love that."

"How about you come to one of our games? There's one tomorrow night, I'd love for you to come." He smiles.

"Uh, yeah, sure." I smile.

"Cool. Here's my number." He states writing it on my hand. "Call me," He says before walking away.

Oh my lord, I love this place. I squeal and walk into class.



Much love 💕

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