Chapter 8.

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"Dinner is ready!" I yell up the stairs.

I swear it's as if they were waiting there because next thing I know they're making their plates and grabbing some juice. 'You're welcome.' I think to myself rolling my eyes. I grab a plate of my own and sit down.

While we talk and laugh I hear the clanking of keys while we're eating and talking and laughing and know my father is home. I hear the door open and in walks my father...and his boss? "Dad? Who's this?" I ask.

"This is my Boss Mr. Styles." He introduces us. "Mr. Styles, this is my Youngest, her name is Hailey, and these two are the oldest."

"Pleasure to meet you all." He says and shakes our hands.

"It's lovely to meet you too Mr. Styles." I smile.

"Please. Call me Harry." He smiles showing the cutest dimples I've ever seen, and his smile! His eyes! He's perfect. Wait. Hailey! Snap yourself out of it!

I blink and smile.

"Well Harry, it's a pleasure having you here would you like some food? We were all just settling down for dinner."

"Oh no, I'm trying to cut back on the Pizza." He rubs his stomach.

"Excuse me? This isn't Pizza it's ACTUAL food. That I made. Myself." I bite back.

"Hal, chill out he's old, he doesn't know that teenagers are capable of cooking." My brother Jake whispers causing me to burst out laughing.

"What's so funny guys?" My dad questions.

"Oh nothing, nothing." I laugh some more and give him a fist bump.

"Well, I guess I will try your food. In hopes, it doesn't poison me." He rudely says.

I just roll my eyes and make him a plate as he's sitting down. This should be fun.

My Fathers boss. |HS| (editing)Where stories live. Discover now