Chapter 70.

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Harry's POV:

"Hal?! Hal!" I shout, "what the fuck is wrong with her?!" I scream at the doctor.

"She seems to have blacked out" he simply claims.

"Yeah, no fucking shit but why?!" I yell again

"Some women can't take the pain, we need to get these babies out before they go into—" the doctor stops

"Goes into what?" I ask

"Distress, she's hemorrhaging now, the babies are in distress." The doctor quickly says

"She's fucking what?! English damn it!" Harry yells

"Get me some gauze or some towels and something to cut with and call 911. She's going to need to go to the hospital!" The doctor hurriedly demands and I do as he says.

"911, what's your emergency?" I hear the operator ask

"I-uh-H-Hi, my girlfriend she- she's, she's in labor and-and she blacked out giving a h-home birth and n-now the b-b-babies are in d-distress!" I stutter and barely make anything out hoping she understood me.

"Sir, what's your address?" She calmly asks

How can she be so fucking calm in this situation?! Well- I guess she's heard a lot of these...I tell her my address and she sends first responders to our house as I get everything the doctor asked me to get and hurry back upstairs

"Here." I say and within minutes my babies were out and he was sewing her back up and getting the bleeding to slow down, yeah she's definitely going to feel that if she wakes up- when, she wakes up.

There's a knock at the door and I open it pointing the first responders up to the bathroom where she and the babies are at.

"Please save her.." I beg them as they run up

"We'll do everything we can sir, but right now, we need you to stay as calm as possible. Can you do that for us?" One paramedic asks

"Can I fucking do that while my fiancé is upstairs blacked the fuck out and dying?! Yeah sure let me just start doing that right fucking now, yeah?" I sarcastically retort.

"Sir, we understand this may be difficult for you, but right now, you are not helping your fiancés situation by making our jobs even more difficult. Panicking will not help a thing here. So, we need you to stay calm and maintain yourself, recompose yourself sir. This is not a good look on you." Paramedic number two fires back.

He can't just say that to me? I am calm! Okay maybe I'm not, but he still cannot say that shit to me and speak to me like I'm some sort of piece of shit, I'm concerned and I have the right to be!

"Fine." I respond dryly through gritted teeth, "I'll try to stay calm while my fiancé is dying, just to make your jobs easier!" I turn away and wait by the door.

My Fathers boss. |HS| (editing)Where stories live. Discover now