Chapter 32.

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"Woahhh there Mr. Styles." I say as Harry wobbles and stops to laugh at every little joke he cracks. He's had just a little too much to drink tonight.

I walk him up to his apartment because obviously he's too drunk to do it himself.

Once we reach his apartment I have him open the door and help him in. Shutting the door behind me and walking him to his room.

"Okay Mister, it's time for bed." I say helping him to his room, throughout his whining I managed to get his shoes off but once I get to his shirt he starts laughing. "If you wanted to get me in bed all you had to do was ask." And then winks. I roll my eyes and continue but once I reach his pants he stops laughing and his eyes grow dark it sends chills down my spine. So dark they could be black holes..he isn't angry. It''s lust..

Uh oh..

"You need to go to bed, you've had a tad bit too much to drink. Your hangover is going to be difficult if you don't sleep now." I try convincing him. I'm still a little sore from earlier events, I don't think I can go another round. Plus he's intoxicated and he's legally unable to consent.

He begs me some more and I continue to reject him.

"You can't legally consent because you're intoxicated, harry." I inform him

"No I'm not, watch this" He says

Uh oh

He put his right fingertip to his nose while stumbling and repeats the process with his left fingertip and nearly falls over before I catch him.

"Exactly. Off to bed, you'll have a terrible hangover tomorrow if you don't hydrate and sleep." I warn

He gives me a look, I think he's trying to be sexy but it's more funny than anything and it causes me to start laughing

My Fathers boss. |HS| (editing)Where stories live. Discover now