34 - "Wagwarn, my drillers"

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Saturday 16th July 14:20
Chardonnay's POV

"Where is she man?" asked the female voice. "Don't tell me you've let her stay in your room all this time."

"I couldn't convince her to come out so she hasn't come out since," answered the male voice.

"And this is why you're a pussio."

The voices outside the door sounded a lot like Katana and Jasiah but I had a feeling I would find out in a few seconds. Yawning, I fully opened my eyes. Kicking the bedroom door wide open, Katana stormed into the room and ripped the blanket off me.

"Wake up g, we're going out," grinned Katana.

"I don't feel like it," I groaned, trying to snatch the covers from her.

"You need fresh air. I understand grieving is hard, trust me, I've been through it so much that I've lost count," explained Katana. "But the world waits for nobody. You learn to heal when you start moving again."

"Yeah, you need to go out so you're not left alone with your thoughts," added Jasiah. "And shower cah you smell."

I launched a pillow at Jasiah's face and growled, lying back down on the bed.

Jasiah shrugged. "I told you, she doesn't wanna leave."

"I'm going to go let Daisy into the garden and I'll be back up. I'm not leaving this house without you Chardonnay," warned Katana as she left the room.

Sighing, Jasiah sat on the edge of the bed and gently hit me with the pillow I threw at him.

"You really don't wanna start a pillow fight with me," chuckled Jasiah with a hint of warning in his voice. "Out here throwing my own pillows at me."

"I'm not scared of you but I don't feel like pillow fighting anyway, I'd rather sleep," I mumbled sleepily.

"You've been sleeping for the past three days. How about this, if I win the pillow fight you have to go out."

"And if I win, you get to leave me alone until my dad returns."

"Deal. First one to get knocked off the bed loses."

Grinning like a child, I stood up on Jasiah's bed, armed with a pillow. Poor boy didn't know I was going to knock him out. However, the way he was staring at me made me feel like a rabbit in front of a lion. And the devious smirk plastered onto his face wasn't helping my confidence. Jasiah looked very determined to knock my soul out of my body, not just my body off the bed.

Entering the room, Katana asked, "What are you lot doing standing on the bed?"

"Katana, go run Chardonnay a bucket bath. She's going to shower," replied Jasiah coolly.

"How are you so sure you're not going to lose?" I grinned.

"I never lose and I always get what I want," smirked Jasiah before smacking the pillow across my face.

I rubbed my left cheek in shock. Shaking her head, Katana left the room and I soon heard water in the bathroom running.

"You hear that? That's the sound of victory," continued Jasiah, gesturing towards the bathroom.

Rolling my eyes, I swung my pillow across knees, making him stumble backwards. He glared at me whilst he regained his balance at the other end of the bed.

"Looks like somebody is about to lose a pillow fight," I teased.

We continued to hit each other with the pillows, increasing the force each hit. I couldn't stop myself from smiling whilst I tried to batter him off the bed with my pillow.

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