Chapter 27

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I'm baaack. I think you just want to keep reading the story so I won't stall you for long this time, hahaha. On with the story then!

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Emery's POV


Gather yourself Emery!

"So well... Are you really going to make me say it?" He asks.

"Uh huh." I smile.

"Fuck..." He sighs. "Fine. Emery Scott will you be my girlfriend?"

"Hmm... Tough question." I look around the room, 'thinking'.

"It's not a tough question. Yes or no?" He smiles. Very nervously I might add.

"Well, what do you think?"


"Of course, yes! Are you stupid?" I laugh.

"Did you just call your boyfriend stupid?"

"Omg... Wow."


"You just called yourself my boyfriend. It just- It felt good to hear it."



"Well, it felt good to say it too." He says and kisses me.

"That felt good too." I say against his mouth.

He moves closer to me so that his mouth is by my ear. "You have no fucking idea what I'm going  to do with you later." Oh, God... 

"Please, enlighten me." I say. "But before you do I think you'd like to know that I'm not wearing my Batman panties or my Captain America bra."

"Really? What are you wearing then?"

I move close to his ear. "Nothing." I start kissing his soft spot behind his ear.


A waiter clears his throat, making both of us sit up straight.

"Is everything to your liking?" The waiter asks.

"Yes, it's very good. The chef is amazing." I answer with a smile. 

"Good to hear. Would you like to look at the dessert menu or-"

"We'll take the check." Jake interrupts the waiter. I look at him and laugh.

The waiter tells us that he'll be right back with the check and walks away to get it. 

"Not a dessert person?" I ask.

"Oh no I am, but they don't really have what I want." He smirks and looks at me.

After a small fight over the check, Jake pays and promises me that I'll get to pay next time. He, again, opens the door to the car for me and I get in. The second I fasten my seatbelt I get a text from Ally.

Ally: Hey.

Me: Hey. How are you?

Ally: I don't know. My dad's dead. How am I suppose to be?

Me: Ally we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

Ally: I don't want to talk about it but I do want my best friend with me. Can you come over?

Me: Right now?

Ally: Yeah. You're not doing anything right?

I look at Jake who's starting the car and start to drive out of the parking lot.

Me: No. I'll be there, just have to get ready. Be there in about 30 minutes. Okay?

Ally: Okay, thanks. I love you.

Me: I love you too.

I put the phone away and sigh. "So... Change of plans..." I look over at Jake. "Ally wanted me to come over... Now."

"Now now?" 


He sighs. 

"You're not mad are you?"

"I'm mad that you can't stay the night with me, but her dad just died, you should go to her." He says and I lean over and kiss him on the cheek. 

"Thank you. For this date. And for asking me to be your girlfriend." I smile.

"Thank you for saying yes." He laughs.

We talk almost the entire ride to Ally's house and I love every second of it. I'm never bored with him. I thank him again and kiss him before walking up to the house. I knock once but no one answers and just as I'm about to knock again her mom opens the door.

"Hey." I say, her eyes are swollen and she looks so tired. "I'm so sorry for your loss." She lets me in and I hang my jacket up on the hanger.  

"Thank you for coming Emery. Ally really needs a friend right now." 

"Of course." I say. "Is she in her room?" 

Her mom nods and says that she'll leave us alone. I walk up the stairs, past all the family photos of them. There's one that I like more than the others. It was taken when Ally and I were about seven years old. Her family had invited me to come with them to a waterpark. Her mom was taking the picture. Ally and I had our bikinis on and her dad was holding our hands just as we were about to enter. All three of us were smiling like crazy. 

"Hey." Ally walks to me. I wipe away the tears that had fallen. "That was a fun day." She continues.

"Yeah, it really was." I take her hand and we walk into her room, sitting on the bed. "What do you want to do?"

"Just... Lie here." She says and covers herself with the blanket.

"Okay." I lay down next to her and hold her as she starts crying. I can't imagine how I would feel if I was in her situation.

* * *

It's Monday now and we're back at school. I've been sleeping over at Ally's the past days for comfort. Today is the first day of May, which means that it's only about a month till graduation. It's kind of nerve wracking. 

"Ready for math?" I ask Ally as I take my book from my locker. She just stands there. "You can stay home Ally. The teachers will unders-"

"No. We graduate soon and I should get my work done." She gives me a small smile. "I'm fine." You don't look like it... I don't say anything and close my locker. We make our way to the classroom but get stopped halfway by some guys. 

"Hey, look who it is." One of them says. He leans closer to Ally. "Where's your dad huh? Oh right! You don't have one anymore." He and his friends start laughing and walking away.

What the fuck is wrong with some people?!

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Well... That's the end of this chapter. A lot of emotions here towards the end. I feel like I have a lot of emotions in my chapters now. 

Oh, and btw, I decided to put in a picture of Jake in case you forgot how he looks like ;)

Oh, and btw, I decided to put in a picture of Jake in case you forgot how he looks like ;)

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Just look at that. Just... Wow.

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