Emery's POV
Turns out Jessica is very, very bad at decision-making. In the last two hours, she's tried on every dress in this shop, in every color, and has selected her top ten favorites. Jake and I are sitting on the couch in front of her, watching her every move. Well, I'm watching her, Jake on the other hand is sleeping. Very clever though, he put his sunglasses on so it's not that obvious. I wish I had brought sunglasses with me...
"Okay! I think I know now!" She claps her hands. "I don't like this one." And away goes the blue dress.
"That's it? I thought you meant that you knew what dress to choose?"
"No! Still have nine left silly." She laughs.
I can hear Jake chuckle and turn to face him, "Asshole."
"Sorry I dragged you into this."
"Are you though?"
He starts laughing, "No."
"Doubble asshole."
"'Doubble asshole'? Damn, you must really hate me."
"I don't hate you." That made him turn to me.
"You don't?"
"Of course not. I've never hated you."
"Bullshit. You've hated me lots of times."
"Jake, I've been angry at you yes. I've been furious even, but I've never hated you." Silence, I glance over at Jessica but she's too caught up in her dress decision to pay attention to us. "Did you... Did you ever hate me?"
"Never in a million years."
"Do you hate me no-"
"Don't even finish that fucking sentence."
I look at Jessica one more time to make sure that she can't see or hear us, then I grab Jake's hand and lead him towards the bathroom.
"Emery, what are we-"
"Just follow me."
"Emery." He pulls me to a stop right at the door.
"Please." I plead with him. no other words are needed, he nods and opens the door for me, closing it after he enters.
He leans back against it and I'm suddenly aware of how close we are. And alone. Fuck that.
With two long steps, I'm right in front of him, only an inch from his lips. I can feel my chest rise and fall harder than before, my hands slowly but confidently making their way to his face. And I can feel him leaning into my touch, slowly releasing a breath he was holding in. "Emery... Don't do this to me. Please, don't do this."
"Don't do what?"
"This. Torture me. Giving me these thoughts, these feelings that I don't want."
"You don't want?" I move closer. My mouth only every so slightly brushing against his. "Then what do you want Jake?"
"You. All I've ever wanted is you. All I want is you. But I can not have you while you're still with him Emery. Why can't you let him go? Why can't we be happy?" He says, touching my forehead with his. "I can promise you that I'll make you happier than he ever will. Just give me one more chance. Please Shortie."
It's true and I know it. I may have loved Michael, but he will never, no one will ever, match up to Jake. His love is different, it only took me five years to realize but I did. I finally did. I quickly let go of him and back away.
"No, why-"
"I have to go. If this can work I have to end things with Michael." That came out more quickly than I thought.
"Wait, you're- So you're going to-"
"Yes, but I need to do it now. Jake, I can't wait-"
"Get the fuck out and go home. I can't stand you being his for another minute. End it now." I smile and hurry out of the shop.
I'm back at Michael's in no time, my heart racing so fast, and my mind spinning. I open the door and notice a pair of shoes I haven't seen before. Women shoes.
That's odd. I know they're not mine, I know what kind of shoes I have. His mother's? No, she only has brown loafers. These are white heels.
Closing the door behind me and taking off my jacket I make my way to the kitchen but there's no sign of him anywhere. No dishes in the sink, no leftovers on the table in the living room. I mean, he's not a messy person but some sign of life would be nice. I take a quick look in the bathroom but to no surprise, no one's there. I head to the last room, the bedroom. I swear to God if he's been sleeping this whole time- I mean, it's not even late, why would he be sleeping?
"You know, you're apartment is weirdly empty. It looks like no one lives-" But as soon as I open the door my words fall right out of my mouth. This can't be happening. "Michael?" His head snaps in my direction and his eyes go wide, his mouth falling open. "Emery?! What are you doing here?" I have no words. He's in bed. Naked. With a woman. In bed. Naked. With a woman. A woman is naked in his bed. With him. And he's naked. In bed. With- I go still. This is not- she can't be- "Ava?"
"Wait? You know her?"
"No, I- She's- I should leave." I say and quickly head to the door to go home. A hand grabs my arm and spins me around. "Wait a second. This is not-"
"'What it looks like'? That's what you're going with?! Are you fucking serious? 'I didn't mean to do it' Or would you like to go with that one?"
"It was an accident!"
"An 'accident'?! What?! Your dick just HAPPENED to get inside her vagina?! Did you slip and get stuck there?! Asshole!" I grab my jacket and slam the door behind me, he doesn't even bother rushing after me. Better so, no need for him anymore. I was on my way to dump him anyway so what's the harm?
But why does it still hurt? I mean yes, I don't have any feelings for him anymore. I think those dissolved a long time ago, but you don't cheat. No matter the circumstance.
Don't fucking cheat.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Heh.... Hectic chapter huh? Well well... On to the next one, hahaha.

The Next Chapter
RomanceEmery has always been good in school, just like her mother was. But when Jake Evans walks into her life everything changes. New emotions she hasn't experienced before, feelings she didn't know existed, he shows her a life out of the ordinary. A life...