Hi you guys!
This is Anna (not Anna Todd) from hardin.tessa.text (Instagram) and I'm here right now and writing about Emery's life. This is just my imagination, it's not from Anna Todd's books. So if new names comes up it's not from the After books it's from my imagination. So you know :) A lot of you guy's wanted this so here you go. It's new for me and I really hope that you like it so much! And if you don't... Don't read it :) Let's begin then.
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"Mom tell Auden to give me my books!" I yell from upstairs. God. Little brothers can suck sometimes. "Auden enough. Give Emery her books back. You two have to go to school!" Finally. Someone who understands me. "What's so important about school anyway? I can learn stuff on youtube anyways." Um, no you can't. "Now THAT'S my son" Really dad? "Really Hardin? He's our son, don't say that to him." Mom said and then turned to Auden, "You're going to school. Get your things now."
"Okay can everyone get out of my room now? I've got to go, I can't be late!" After about 40 minutes I arrive at school just in time for the first lesson. I meet up with Ally and we take our seats.
"Well hello there shortie." I turn around to the seat behind me and there he is. Jake. The school's bad boy. The guy who has sex with every girl he sees. The guy who- "Look, I know I'm hot but you have to stop staring." Omg. I did not just do that. I quickly turn around again and feel my cheeks heat up and my face gets red as a tomato. "What did he say?" Ally asks me. "Nothing. Just being Jake." I say back trying to focus on the teacher which works. During the lesson Jake pokes my back sometimes but other than that it's a pretty normal lesson.
"Leaving so soon shortie?" Jake says as soon as I step out of the classroom. "Yeah, the class ended so that's kind of obvious." I say and continue to walk down the hallway with Jake (for some reason) following me.
"What?" I say and turn around to face him.
"Nothing. I'm just walking here and it just so happens that you're here too."
"Oh really?"
"Oh yeah." He says back. What a smirk.
"Does that really work on girls?" I ask.
"The way you basically stalk them and then smile at them?"
"Why? Is it working?"
Yes... "No." I say and continue my way to the next classroom that I'll be in. "What do you have next?" Jake asks me.
"Great. Me too." He winks.
God... I can't wait for lunch break. Just me and Ally. No Jake.
"Hey!" Ally comes out of nowhere.
"HOLY FRECKLES! You scared the crap out of me Ally!" I yell at her, she laughs. Wow.
"Holy freckles?" Jake laughs. A lot. "What even is that?" He continues, laughing still.
"It's just- I don't know. And you." I point to Ally. "What do you want? Your class has already started." I say and point at the clock.
"I know, I just wanted to hive you this. I forgot before." She says and hands me A FREAKING TAMPON. IN FRONT OF JAKE. You can end my life now thank you.
"Oh. Trouble downstairs huh?" He smiles, trying to hold in a laugh.
I take the tampon and basically run to my next class. I take my seat and for some frustrating reason Jake takes the seat next to me.
"Really. Do you have to?" I ask him.
"Yes. Yes I do."
God. I miss Ally.
"Welcome to today's class of history!" The professor says. "Today we will be discussing the events regarding World War 2. Please. Can anyone tell me when WW2 started?"
I raise my hand as soon as the words leave his mouth.
"1939." Jake says looking at me.
"What are you doing? I raised my hand?" I whisper to him.
"And I answered." He smirks.
"Yes, very good Jake. Now can someone tell me when the war ended?"
"1945!" I say, look at Jake and smile back. This feels good.
"Actually September 2nd 1945." He says back to me, smiling.
"Correct again Jake! And you too Emily!"
"I-It's Emery sir." I correct him.
"Right right, sorry." He says and smiles. I smile back. This isn't embarrassing...
"Ouf, the professor don't even know your name. That have got to hurt." He laughs.
I'll just ignore him. Yeah, for the rest of the class I'll just ignore him. It'll work. Right? 30 minutes later. And it did not work as I thought.
"You can't be more wrong! There was plenty of room left on that door thing for Jack to get up. Rose didn't need all of it for her own." I say to Jake.
"Or. She never loved him so that's why she just took it all and let him die."
"Are you- what- no! Throughout the whole movie we get to see the two of them fall in love. The ending just sucked." I try to explain.
"Nope. Love doesn't exist. I'll tell you that." He says like it's nothing. Love exists. "Are you for real? Of course love exi-"
"Something that you would like to share with the entire class Emery?" My professor interrupts me. Oh God... This is so freaking embarrassing. "Oh... No. Sorry professor McPelt. It won't happen again. I promise." I say back to him, totally embarrassed and looking straight down at my books. "So... Let's continue. When Hitler later that year..."
"He caught you. Must feel bad huh? You've got to be so embarrassed." Jake whispers and laughs. Ha ha. Funny. Very funny.
After a long. Long. Day of school and a certain person I get home. The feeling of taking your shoes off and laying on your bed after school (or anything for that matter) is amaaaaaaazing. It just hits different. Just as I'm about to get up to go and get me something to eat my phone buzzes. Thinking that it's probably Ally I don't look right away. It's just probably one of her usual "Should I date this guy or this guy?" conversations. But when my phone buzzes for a second time I pick it up and look. Jake E added you as a friend.
Jake: What's up shortie?
Me: Jake?
Jake: Who else?
Me: How did you get my number?
Jake: I know people.
Me: I know people too but I don't go around and ask them for people's numbers.
Jake: Oo, feisty aren't we?
Me: What do you want Jake?
Jake: Nothing. Just wanted to say hi.
Me: Yeah right. You're Jake.
Jake: Yes I am. And you're Emery.
Me: No. You're Jake. The Jake that sleeps with everyone he lays his eyes on.
Jake: Not everyone. Just girls ;)
Me: God.
Jake: Yeah, that's what they scream.
Jake: Ha, see you in school shortie.
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So that's it for the first chapter! I really hope that you liked it and I will update here as soon as I can (you have to remember that I have school soon so there's some other stuff I have to focus on) but I won't just leave this story. Promise! It will be finished!

The Next Chapter
RomanceEmery has always been good in school, just like her mother was. But when Jake Evans walks into her life everything changes. New emotions she hasn't experienced before, feelings she didn't know existed, he shows her a life out of the ordinary. A life...