Chapter 39

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Emery's POV

Emery Scott and Jake Evans.

Emery Scott and Jake Evans.

Emery Scott and Jake Evans.

Emery Scott and Jake Evans.

I take a deep breath to gather my thoughts.

The principal goes on to call everybody's names. Ally and Andrea got paired together. Lucky...

"We do have one more surprise." The principal says. "Since we'll be going into the city we decided that we could stay there a while. We have also booked, besides the escape rooms, hotel rooms for you all." The room goes wild once again. I would be thrilled too but... Well, life does not like me very much.

"You will stay three in each room. No boys in the girl rooms and no girls in the boy rooms! You will live opposite to the person that you're doing the escape room with. You can-"

Is he kidding? Is he fucking kidding?

This is like something from a movie. I've always wanted to be in a movie.

...I don't anymore.

At least Andrea, Ally and I got paired to the same room. I can't thank the Gods enough for that.

The principal goes on. "Today is Monday and just one week till graduation. We'll be leaving for the city on Friday, one group will do the escape rooms on Saturday and the other group will do the escape rooms on Sunday. If you're in the group that isn't going to do the escape room, feel free to explore the city. Go shopping or sightseeing or what you want to do. Just be back in the hotel by curfew."

When the principal is done we get sent back to our classrooms and everyone takes their seats. Mr. McPelt goes up to the front of the classroom. "So. Pretty exciting huh? New York City. The Big Apple. But don't forget that you still have school and homework to turn in. Since this is still a lesson, can someone tell me about the history of New York?" Some guy starts rambling on about stuff that I've never heard of but Mr. McPelt seems very interested so I start writing some of the stuff down in my notebook. When the lessons over we head over to our lockers to leave our books.

"Are you okay?" Ally asks. "About the whole Jake and escape room thing?"

"I guess it's fine. I mean I'm still angry on some level but he's kept his distance as I asked him so it probably won't be a problem. I just hope we'll get along."

"I think you will. Besides you're going to be in a room full of riddles and stuff so you'll have other things to think about." Andrea says.

I nod and we head over to the next class. Jake is still keeping his distance but I do catch him looking at me from time to time. The rest of the week goes on pretty much the same.

Tuesday: Wake up, go to school, catch Jake look at me, finish school, go home and spend time with family.

Wednesday: Wake up, go to school, catch Jake look at me, finish school, go home and tell mom and dad about New York and the escape rooms.

Thursday: Wake up, go to school, catch Jake look at me, finish school, go home and start packing for the trip.

And now, Friday.

I wake up by my alarm and turn it off. No one's in the bathroom so I quickly get in and jump in the shower. I shampoo my hair twice and then move to the conditioner. While that's in my hair I shave my legs quickly and then wash the conditioner off. I take a couple more minutes to wash my body with scrub and once I'm finished I walk out of the shower and wrap my towel around my body. I walk back into my room and start thinking about clothes. I want to be comfortable since we're going to be sitting on a bus and jeans don't really feel right there. I put on a plain black bra and black panties and I find a pair of black yoga pants and put them on as well. I look around for a shirt. Should I wear a hoodie or a t-shirt with a cardigan? I have no idea how the weather is there. I find a Star Wars hoodie and throw it on, I put the t-shirt and the cardigan in the suitcase with the other clothes. I go down to find some breakfast but instead, I find dad looking into the refrigerator and sigh.

"Everything okay?" I aks.

"Yeah... Just your mom's cravings." He laughs as he takes out some food. "Everything okay with you? Excited about going into the city?"

"Yeah, pretty fun. I look forward to exploring the city with Ally and Andrea." I smile.

"Do you need a ride to school?"

"No, Andrea's dad said that he could drive the three of us there."

"Okay." He hugs me. "Have fun."

"I will." I hug back. He walks back to their bedroom and I take out a bowl and pour some cereal in there along with some milk. I scroll through my phone and eat up my breakfast then I go back up to my room to finish packing my bag. I brush my teeth so I can put my toothbrush in my bag and then I brush through my hair and put it up in a bun. Nothing fancy about me today.

When I'm done I say goodbye to mom and Auden, dad's in the bathroom but we said goodbye in the kitchen. I wait by the door and when I see the car pull up I open the door and scream out "Bye!" once again. I lock the door and get into the car. Andrea's dad is driving and she's sitting in the front beside him.

We say our hello's and I show them how to get to Ally's house, which isn't very far. When Ally's here too we drive towards the school. We spend the time talking about everything we want to do in the city and we talk with Andrea's dad too. He's a very nice and funny man.

Once we pull up to the parking lot of the school some buses are already there. We get out of the car and grab our things.

"Thanks dad." Andrea says and hugs him.

"You girls have fun!" He says and looks at us.

"We will." Ally smiles.

"Thank you so much for the drive Mr. Samuels." I say.

"Oh please, call me Robert."

--- --- --- --- --- ---

Hehe. Oops.

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