Hello once again! So happy that you like my story and as I said once before I will not be posting this story on Instagram and I will not be updating this story every day. I have school soon and I'm in the last year of high school so it's going to be tuff sooo I'm not going to be able to focus 100% on this. Sorry, but school comes first. Heh.
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Emery's POV
School went on pretty normal for the rest of the week. Me trying to ignore Jake, Jake always succeeding to ruin that.
Wednesday we talked about how I thought that Teen Wolf was way better than The Vampire Diaries, I mean have you seen Scott?
Thursday we talked about how he thought that The Lord of the Rings was better than Star Wars. They're not. They're good, but not as good as Star Wars.
And finally on Friday we talked about DC Comics. The first time that we both actually agreed that Batman is better than Superman.
It's pretty fun to talk to Jake during class and he always has fun topics to talk about. I'm not really saying that I enjoy his company- well... Maybe I do? I don't know. It's pretty weird. He's pretty weird. And cute. No! Emery stop. He's a bad boy. Not worth it. Anyway, It's Saturday now and I'm on my way to Ally's house to hang out. I barely see her in school, we only have two classes together, PE and math. Ugh... Maths.
"Hello?" I open the front door and it's dead silent. "Ally?" I yell.
"Up in my room!" She yells back from upstairs. I close the door and run upstairs to her room.
"Where is everyone? It's so silent down there." I ask her.
"They went to some dinner with another family." She's sitting on her bed and I join her.
"Sooo..." She looks at me and winks.
"Sooo... What?" I ask. Having absolutely no clue what she means.
"You and Jake! What's going on there?" Ehm, nothing?
"Ally what do you mean what's going on? I've been talking to him for about a week as a FRIEND."
"A friend? Oh really? What about all those classes you've told me about when you and he talk about movies and tv-shows and stuff?"
"Ally for the last time we're friends. Friends that have the same taste in movies and tv-shows."
"Friends that secretly want to rip each other's clothes off..." She whispers, thinking I can't hear her.
"What? No." I say. Kind of lying. I would like to look at him shirtless. But only a little look. A peek. She looks at me and we start laughing. We put on Cursed on Netflix, it's AMAZING. We're on the last episode and I can't wait to see what's about to happen to them.
After about 40 something minutes the episode ends and we're left speechless.
"So he's- And they didn't- Omg the two of them are going to-" We can't even finish our sentences, that's how good it is. We start scrolling through all the shows on Netflix, trying to figure out what to watch after this. You know. The typical 'So I put my life and soul into this show and now that it's done I have no idea what to do' scenario. After a while we find some show called New Girl and start to watch that. It's pretty funny.
After a few hours I get a text from mom saying that I should come home now, it's getting pretty late and it's really dark outside. For a girl that doesn't get scared of scary movies I am scared of the dark. Weird but that's me. I say goodbye to Ally and I'm off to home. Ally and I live really close so it's really not that much to walk. It's straight ahead, turn right and straight again and then I'm home. But in this dark it feels like miles away. God I hate the dark.
"Hey." A voice from behind me says as I barely shit myself. It's so freaking dark that I can't even see who it is. I try to ignore it, thinking the worst you know, like a murderer or a rapist or something. But the person follows me. Okay now I'm really scared, I can't take my phone up to call someone cause the person will probably attack me or something. I walk faster.
"Hello? It's-" I start to run as soon as I hear the person talk again. I run and run and the person follows me, running as well. And before I know it I'm on the ground, of course I fall over nothing. And I think I scratched my knee. Great.
"Why did you keep running? I-"
"Don't!" I say and try to protect myself as good as I can. Lifting my arms in front of my face.
"Emery. It's me." A calming voice says. Jake? I take my phone out and put my flashlight on and I was right.
"Hey." He says and smiles.
"Ugh... Do you think this is funny? You scared the frick out of me AND I scratched my knee." I say and look down at my knee with the flashlight. Omg, it's a lot of blood. It doesn't hurt though.
"Omg shortie..." He says and takes my knee in his hands. He takes out tissues from his pocket and starts to 'clean up' as good as he can.
"Come. Sit here instead." He says and points at the sidewalk. I do as he says and he sits beside me, taking my leg on his lap, continuing to clean it. This is a side of him I've never seen before.
"You're not mad at me right?" He asks. Yes I'm mad at you, first you scared me and then you made me fall. Okay he didn't make me fall but it was his fault that I ran in the first place. I don't answer him at first, letting him just wait for an answer in silence while he continues to clean up the blood from my knee.
"Okay. I know how to make you not mad at me again. I watched Star Wars, all of them. And they're pretty good actually."
"Better than The Lord of the Rings?" I ask, slightly smiling.
"Don't push it." He laughs.
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So that's it for this chapter! Hope you liked it! See you soon!!

The Next Chapter
RomanceEmery has always been good in school, just like her mother was. But when Jake Evans walks into her life everything changes. New emotions she hasn't experienced before, feelings she didn't know existed, he shows her a life out of the ordinary. A life...