Hello! My first chapter as an 18-year-old! Hahaha, it's pretty exciting. I just want to thank you guys again for all the birthday wishes and love! Btw the movies "Holidate" and "Operation Christmas Drop" on Netflix are goooooood, hahaha. But no more of this and on with the story!
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Emery's POV
"Wait he- he actually did that?" I ask, still in shock.
"Wha- just like that? Why did he defend me? I mean... Why?"
"I think that somebody has fallen for youuuu..."
"Ally! No! Absolutely not!"
"And I think that you have fallen for somebodyyyyy..."
"Ally... No." I laugh.
"You can say that how many times you want I still won't believe it."
"I- ugh... Boys are weird." I say and lay down.
"What about you? Anyone special?" I say, winking. She's sitting there, eating her carrot, looking around the room and saying nothing. "Omg! There is someone special!" I say sitting up.
"N-no there's not... "
"Okay, I know that I'm not the best liar in the world but I'm better than that!" I say laughing.
"Okay okay... His name is Nathan and he's from France."
"Omg, how did you meet a french guy?"
"Well, that's the thing... He lives in France and I live here. We've only talked over the phone, so we've never met in real life."
"Oh... Are you okay with that? You not meeting him?"
"I mean... not really. I really want to see him but what can I do? He's over there and I'm here. Maybe in the future?" She says shaking her shoulders.
"Well I wish you luck with that."
Ally and I talked a little more about guys and other problems we have right now. After that we watched a few episodes of Teen Wolf and then I went home for dinner.
"So... What did you cook?" I ask mom while taking a seat at the table next to Auden.
"Well your father was supposed to cook but he 'forgot'." She says and stares at dad.
"I did forget! Do you think it's easy to remember both to cook dinner and to...."
"Yes?" Mom says. It's so obvious that he's figuring out what to say.
"Take out the trash."
"Nice try, I did that 20 minutes ago."
"Oh... Well thank you for this lovely dinner then." He says and kisses her. They're so cute. That's what I want.
"Can I ask you guys something?" I say looking at mom and dad.
"Yeah, of course."
"Your relationship... Was it hard? Did you have to work a lot on it or was it just like... meant to be?" A relationship like that is hard to find.
They just stare at each other, then at the food.
"It was... You know... We-we had some few bumps here and there." Mom answers.
"'Bumps'? Our relationship was a fucking rollercoaster."
"HARDIN!" Mom screams at dad while Auden and I laugh our heads off.
"Anyway... Why were you wondering?" Mom asks.
"Oh just... For the future. Good to know." I say and she smiles. We all dig in on the food, mom can really cook.
After dinner I did the dishes and went up to my room to lie in my bed, but I quickly remembered that THE PROM IS TOMORROW. TOMORROW! And I haven't even talked to Jake today, I've got to get some things straight.
Me: Hey.
Jake: Hey.
Me: So the prom is tomorrow.
Jake: Yes?
Me: Are we still going?
Jake: Yeah. I'm not going without you and you're not going with anyone else.
Me: Wow. Bossy much, haha.
Jake: No. Just want you for myself.
Me: Ha. Cute. If we were a couple. Which we're not.
Jake: Not yet.
Me: God... Anyway. Send me a picture of your suit.
Jake: I don't have one yet.
Me: What?!
Jake: What?
Me: It's one day before prom and you don't have a suit yet?!
Jake: No. I need to see your dress first so I can match it. Send me a picture of your dress.
Me: 1. Match? That's what couples do. 2. I don't have a dress yet.
Jake: 'What?! You don't have a dress one day before prom?!'
Me: Ha ha. I have them in my closet but I don't know which one to get. Help me?
Jake: Yeah.
Me: Okay. The first one is blue with different shapes of small diamonds on the top. The top is a blue halter neckline with diamonds covering it with a modifying A-line skirt in the same blue color as the top. Oh, and the top and the bottom are separated so it's a two-piece.
Me: The second dress has a darker shade of blue and a thin belt of the same color with very small diamonds on it. The top is a V-neck shape, but the sides are open to show a little skin and the bottom is an A-line shape.
Me: And the last dress is not blue, hahaha It's a light pink colored dress with diamonds on that as well. The top is like a halter top (like the first one) but this one is a little more... revealing.
Jake: Aww, that's so cute.
Me: Which one's cute?
Jake: Not the dresses, but that you actually think that I know any of this dress shit.
Me: Well look it up and then write back which you think I should pick.
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So that's it for this chapter! I hope you liked it and DO NOT come at me for the dress describing, hahaha. I suck at describing clothes and I almost never wear dresses so I suck even more on that.

The Next Chapter
RomanceEmery has always been good in school, just like her mother was. But when Jake Evans walks into her life everything changes. New emotions she hasn't experienced before, feelings she didn't know existed, he shows her a life out of the ordinary. A life...