Brain damaaaaaaage

775 26 11

Henry: Joey you're an ass

Sammy: that's not how you hurt someone

Sammy: *pushes Henry* move aside!


Joey: all I need is to get drunk then you'll know what I really think about you

Henry: no, actually. It's pretty easy to tell you don't care about anyone but yourself

Wally: my opinions are just going to be painfully honest so if you wanna talk don't make it about opinions


Sammy curled up and rocking back and forth in the corner: *staring at the wall*

Norman: are you okay?

Wally: I swear to god if he says sheep-

Sammy: what if life is just one long dream and everyone inside is just a figment of your imagination and when you die it's just waking back up to realize it's only been one night and you're actually still in a crib and one year old?



Everyone else:

Wally: *grabbing Jack by the shoulders* I knew you were too angelic to exist!

Anyways- since I'm too impatient to do animation for a whole story, I'm patient enough to do a comic, so how does that sound? But I need you guys to comment which story you want to be turned into a comic. That includes oneshots from this book, or any other book I've made it doesn't even have to be a batim book just name any book I made and yeah, I'll turn it into a comic- so go ahead and choose!

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