Gone for so long

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Fluffy/angst Bendy x Henry requested by @Tamaki_thecoffeebean
Yaaay I have smol motivation and finally updated.

Bendy felt like he was suffocating. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't move. Henry's office was empty. He was gone.
No, no this couldn't be right. Didn't he remember all the fun times they had together? Didn't he remember all those pranks they pulled on the other workers? Didn't he remember every day they'd spend drawing together?
But most importantly of all, didn't Henry remember that Bendy needed him here, that he needed to feel loved and safe like every other being?
Bendy dashed to find Joey. He'd know what happened to Henry, he'd fix this mistake.
"Henry left. Said you were getting on his nerves." Joey said, not even glancing up at the little demon when he entered the room.
"B-but Joey! Henry wouldn't just leave like that! He's my best friend!" Bendy said, the tears starting it come down.
Joey scoffed at him. "Well you thought wrong about him, no humans are that good." He snapped. "Now get out."
Bendy felt like his world had just crumbled around him. No, his world had left him. Left him stuck in the studio, where everyone slowly went insane.
Bendy was gone. Alice was gone. Sammy was too, and Norman, and Bertrum. Everyone was insane. But Joey? He left and was fine, living in a crappy house away from the studio.
Now everyone was locked inside, forgetting all the good memories that happened, and turning into inky monsters or Boris clones, filled with rage and hate for Joey.
And in the toons case, Henry. Especially Bendy. The ink demon was slowly trudging around the top floor, grumbling to himself.
He was bored recently, there wasn't much to currently do in the studio. His horns perked up when he heard the exit door open. Had Joey sent another worker for him to torcher?
Another worker who would just spiral down into the inky abyss like the rest of them. Bendy peered around the corner and almost gasped.
It was unmistakably Henry. He looked tired, and like he'd been through something. Something bad. But whatever it was would be nothing compared to when Bendy was finished with him.
But the demon decided to wait, observing Henry. Why wouldn't he just kill him now? Bendy waved the thought away.
Henry gazed around in a silent trance at the studio. Tears filled his eyes. "Oh no, Joey what did you do when I was gone?" Henry whispered.
Bendy glared over at Henry, a new twist of emotions inside him. Dear god did he miss Henry, and now here he was.
After Henry had started the machine, Bendy snarled and reached for him from behind the boards. Henry yelped and jumped back.
His eyes rested on Bendy's forced grin. He ran without a thought, not sure what the hell was happening.
He reached for the exit, but fell. After that Bendy had been looking everywhere for Henry. Sammy claimed to have caught him, but he got away again. This made Bendy even more mad.
He killed Sammy, and went on to find Henry. If that blasted fake angel got ahold of his Henry...Oh would she be sorry.
He soon figured out that Henry was doing errands for her. Henry was in the toy department. Bendy found him and watched him.
The animator was talking to himself, something he used to do a lot. "If Boris and Alice are alive, and Alice looks like that...then that other one must've been Bendy...what the hell did Joey do to them?! I knew there was a bad reason he fired me." Henry sighed, dropping his head against one of the wooden shelves.
Bendy thought he had misheard. Joey fired him? Of course. Joey lied. And Bendy failed to keep his trust in Henry.
The animator looked up and jumped, spotting Bendy. He didn't run this time though, not now that he realized who it was.
"B-Bendy?" Henry asked with a slight stutter. Bendy could hear the fear in Henry's voice. "You came back." Bendy stated.
Henry looked at him. "I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner." He apologized. "Henry...why were you gone for so long?" Bendy asked. His voice quivered and threatened to burst into tears.
"There was a war going on, and after Joey fired me I decided that if I wasn't a-able to help you guys, I-I could help others, but not a day went by that I didn't think of you or miss you!" Henry whined.
Tears welled in his eyes, and he blinked them back. Bendy pulled Henry into a tight hug, the animator hugging back.
"I'll never leave again." Henry whispered. "I thought you'd forgotten." Bendy sniffled. "How could I forget all the time we've spent together? Those were the best days of my life." Henry smiled.
Without so much as a thought, the two were suddenly kissing. Both felt like they should've done that a long time ago.

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