Chapter 30

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Hanako was taking a sip of her green tea when Hashirama walked into the kitchen with bags under his eyes and disheveled hair. He blinked a few times, then looked around.

Tobirama was wearing a white apron over his casual black clothes, while preparing something light for breakfast. When he looked up at his older brother, he sighed. "Hey, Ani. Get changed. Father's memorial will begin in half an hour."

"It's too early..." Hashirama squinted. "Who's that?"

Hanako realized he was looking at her, and she chuckled. "It looks like he's still asleep."

Tobirama took off the apron and walked in front of his brother. "Yeah, he's never been a morning person." He snapped his fingers in front of Hashirama's face to get a reaction out of him.

"Huh?" Hashirama looked at him. "Tobi?"

"Get dressed on your black yukata, splash some water on your face and then come back." After that, Tobirama took a seat next to Hanako on the table.

After a few minutes, Hashirama came back. He was completely awake now, and he greeted both with a wide smile. "Ah, that was one nice sleep. What did you cook, Tobi? Smells great!"

"Just some rice and miso soup. Help yourself."


When Hashirama walked to the counter, Hanako looked at the Senju beside her with questioning eyes. "He seems a little too happy for someone grieving."

Tobirama sighed. "That's just who he is. He is probably putting on a facade so that we don't see how broken he really is inside. Besides, he's the leader now, and the clan needs him."

Hanako nodded in understanding. "I'm really sorry."

"This is what happens when you're at war. We're used to it."

Hashirama put his plate in the middle of the table, and sat opposite to his brother and Hanako. "Why is there such a sad atmosphere here?" He asked with a smile. "Lighten up!"

Tobirama looked up at his brother with narrowed eyes. "You tone it down."

Hashirama sighed and gave his brother a sad look, but didn't say anything. Hanako watched the older brother eat silently. After he was done, the two Senju left the house to go to the memorial.

Silence filled the room. Being left alone with her thoughts, Hanako finally released a breath she had been holding ever since they were first approached by Tobirama Senju. She hadn't known what to expect from the man, especially since everything she seemed to heard about the Senju were mainly bad things.

A series of footsteps alerted her about someone coming into the room. "Ugh... My head hurts. Where the hell are we?"

Hanako smirked and looked up at Amane. "Morning sunshine."

Amane glared at her. "Let me guess." She looked around the kitchen and assumed the worst. "You let them drag us into the Senju compound."

"Dragging sounds horrible." Hanako smiled. "The leader invited us to stay while you two recovered."

"Why did you accept?"

"Would you rather sleep in a futon or on the cold ground?" She curved up an eyebrow. "Warm food or starve until we're back at the Uchiha?"

Amane closed eyes. "You ate all the food?"

"What was I supposed to do? I was the only one awake!"

"It was enough for both!"

Hanako turned her back on her. "Lots of chakra requires lots of carbs, excuse me."

Amane clicked tongue. "Fine, I'll believe you. You do have a lot of chakra for a twelve-year-old."

A Lethal Observer - ALW Saga Book 2Where stories live. Discover now