The end?

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Tony's P.O.V

For the first two weeks since Loki died (Y/n) hadn't  come out of her bedroom other then to eat breakfast and dinner. On the third week we forced her to come out and slowly she came out regularly again. Today (Y/n) is leaving. She had been talking with Thor about this big trip around the universe to boost her powers and today she was finally leaving to do it.

Y/n's P.O.V

A single tear slowly ran down my cheek as I packed my things. Today I was leaving. 'It will be good' I think to myself 'it will get my mind off of.... Loki' I eyes gaze over to a photo of Loki and I, then gaze down at the bracelet we won at the dancing competition that one night. I haven't taken it off since he.... Died. Before I could brake down in tears I quickly close my eyes.

I walk out onto the helicopter pad where the other we're waiting for me. "I'm going to miss you (Y/n)" said Wanda giving me a big hug. "Stay safe" says Vision emotionally. "Don't get into to much trouble" warned Steve with a laugh. "Make smart choices" sighed Bruce. "Take care" said Clint giving me a hug. "Remember think wisely about you choices" reminded Nat before giving me a hug. "We'll miss you (Y/n)" sighed Pepper tears forming in her eyes. "Stay safe kid..." Said Uncle Tony plainly trying to hold back how emotional he was feeling "I will miss you guys every day and I'll be back sooner or later!" I cry jumping into a strong hug. "I'll miss you too kid" cries Uncle Tony. I walk away from the group towards Thor but not before one last look behind. "Things will get better" I promise myself and suddenly the ground bridge opens....

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