Back To School.

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I walked down the hallway after getting dropped of at school. As I walked down the hallway Classmates I've known for years stared at me with a look of sorrow and almost empathetic. I walked over to my friends "(Y/n)!!!!" Yelled (B/f/n) hugging me. "(Y/n) your back!" Said Peter happily "Hey (Y/n)!" Said Ned "(Y/n) we've missed you so much" exclaimed Mj. Suddenly my friends faces gave a look of horror and I heard someone lean on the locker behind me. "Arg go away Flash" I sigh turning around only to find a Tall Handsome blonde haired boy. "Cade..." I sneer at the sight of him "hey sweetheart" says the blonde boy "don't sweetheart me!" I growl "oh come on Hot stuff" Cooed Cade reaching to grab my waist "oh no you don't, we broke up remember!?" I say swatting his hand away "Don't fight it honey you know you love me" he cooed once more "You cheated on me!!" I almost screamed, I knew the students around us were watching and could feel the tension. "Past is past (Y/n) and with out our little breakup I wouldn't have realised how much I love you" says Cade taking a step forward but I put my hand up "don't talk to me, your out of my life for a reason" I snarl and walk away with my friends towards my locker.

The lunch bell rang,  I put my books away and walked to the cafeteria with (B/f/n) and Peter. When we walked in I spotted Loki. He wasn't exactly disguised but everyone didn't seem to recognise him. As we walked passed I gave him a slight nod which he returned. After we got or food we found a table and sat down. "So Cades back..." Sighed (B/f/n) awkwardly, I gave a frustrated sigh and who other then the guy we were just talking about sat next to me. "Hey Suger" he said with a wink, I just rolled my eyes and ignored him "oh come on baby give me another try" sigh Cade moving a little closer to me "No, I don't know why your back but Iwant nothing to do with you!" I growl "would it help if I told you that I moved back Becouse I missed you?" Sighed Cade with a smirk moving closer to me again so our faces were only centimetres apart. "No it does not." I reply moving away from him but he moves closer to me again. Before Cade could get any closer Loki appeared behind us and sat down in between Cade and I. "Hello kids" said Loki looking over at me and giving me a wink. Peter, Ned, Mj, (B/f/n) and I all let out a little sigh. "I'm mr. Thorbroah" introduced Loki "I'm a student teacher so you may see me around the school or in you class sometimes" explained Loki playing his role very well. "Good to know now can you move along me and my girlfriend were in the middle of something" sighed Cade annoyed, Loki shot him a deathly glare. "Are you his girlfriend miss?" Asked Loki turning around to me "No!" I exclaim "I was about to say what is a ravishing girl like yourself dating this chump" said Loki with a smirk making Cade even more annoyed. Soon the bell rang "well Imbetter be off see you around kids" said Loki getting up. Cade left in a annoyed fit, "I'll meet you guys at class" I whisper to my friends before walking over to where Loki was hiding. "Who was that?" Asked Loki as soon as I arrived "Cade my Ex boyfriend" I explain, Loki looked shocked "anyway thank you for saving me back there, I owe  you" I sigh leaning up and kissing him on the cheek before running off to my locker.

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