The school dance.

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Y/n's P.O.V

I hoped in the Limo with MJ, (B/f/n), Peter and Ned wearing my Dance outfit.

Y/n's outfit

Y/n's outfit

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Mj's outfit.

(B/f/n)'s Outfit

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(B/f/n)'s Outfit

 "It's so nice of your uncle for letting us borrow his limo!" Said Peter "yeah and while on the subject of you where's your date?" Asked MJ  "oh he's on a quick mission right now he'll meet us at the dance" I explain "so he's on of the avengers?!"...

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 "It's so nice of your uncle for letting us borrow his limo!" Said Peter "yeah and while on the subject of you where's your date?" Asked MJ  "oh he's on a quick mission right now he'll meet us at the dance" I explain "so he's on of the avengers?!" Gasped Ned "ok people Bets up now!" Ordered (B/f/n). I roll my eyes expecting it to be a joke "my bets on Cap" says MJ calmly "I'm betting on Vision, Wanda and Vision seem like they would do something like that for (Y/n)" stumbles Peter "Well my bet isn't on someone in the avengers but that kid Mr. Stark once saved or something like that" said Ned "oh you mean Harley? Yeah I met him" said Peter "well my bets on Loki" says (B/f/n) with a smirk "are you guys really betting on who's my date?!" I laugh "yeah and now shh now spoilers" growls (B/f/n).

Loki's P.O.V

"OH COME ON!" I yell looking up at the clock I was suppose to meet (Y/n) and her friends at avengers tower half an hour ago. "Are we almost finished!?" I asked rushing over to Clint's side to help him "Why got a date?" joked Thor "actually yes, since (Y/n) didn't have a date for her dance I said I would go with her" I explained getting annoyed, the others looked at my surprised. "she's going with you?!" asked Steve looking a bit wounded which honestly gave me an ego boost. "Yes and I would like to get there soon so she doesn't think I bailed on her!" I sigh as we finish beating up the bad guys. 

Y/n's P.O.V

I stood near the snack table waiting for Loki to arrive, it's been almost an hour since he was suppose to be here. "Hey buttercup where's your date?" asked Cade walking over with a smirk "that's none of your business" I growl looking around "he didn't ditch on you did he?!" gasped Cade sarcastically "you know if you want something this isn't they way to get it" I sigh rolling my eyes "your right" he says bowing down and holding out his hand. My heart started to flutter a bit until I remembered the betrayal he put me through. "may I have this dance?" he asked as a new song came on "Fine but only because I want to dance before the night is over" I sigh taking his hand. He leads me to the dance floor and grabs my waist and hand. soon we start dancing, I wasn't sure how to feel, people kept looking over at us and some whispers started to rise. Suddenly half way through the song someone puts his hand on Cades shoulder. "Mind if I cut in?"

Loki's P.O.V

I walked into the dance and looked around, almost everyone in (Y/n)'s year level was here. Suddenly I see (Y/n) on the dance floor dancing with Cade. Rage and jealousy started to rise but I pushed it down, I didn't want to make a big scene. after taking a big breath in walked onto the dance floor and dodged the couples dancing. People stared to stare and whisper to each other. When I got to (Y/n) and Cade I place my hand on Cades shoulder "Mind if I cut in?" I ask, (Y/n) looks at me with pure delight and Cade gives me an annoyed look. "sure..." he sighs stepping away annoyed. I grab (Y/n) waist and hand and start to dance with her "Sorry I took so long Love" I say "that's fine I'm just glad your here" she says with a smile.

Y/n's P.O.V

As Loki and I danced with each other I saw (B/f/n), Peter, MJ and Ned talking. (B/f/n) held her hand out and with a roll of the eyes the others handed her some money. I laughed a bit, "What are your friends doing?" asked Loki "Oh on the way here they placed a bet on who my date would be, (B/f/n) won of course" I laugh as the music stopped. We walk over to my friends. "What did I say? I got it right!" Cheered (B/f/n) "yes (B/f/n)" I sigh, suddenly I see a few familiar faces at the snack bar "um hey who wants a drink?" I ask "oh I will!" says (B/f/n) "Me too" adds Peter while the others shake their heads. I walk over to the snack bar. "Ok Steve, Thor,  Clint, Uncle Tony come out." I sigh "Who's Thor? We know no Thor?" says Thor wearing a fake moustache and using a really bad fake German accent as the four guys pop up from behind the snack bar wearing costumes. I give them an annoyed look, "what are you doing here!?" I ask "We are just some German workers helping out at a school dance" lies Thor "Thor give it a break we've been caught" sighs Clint "that's right now start talking!" I growl "we heard Loki was your date so we thought we'd keep an eye on you" explained Steve "How could you keep that a secret!?" cried Uncle Tony "it wasn't a secret!" I exclaim as Wanda, Vision and Nat walk into the room with agent Coulson. "Sorry (Y/n) we tried to stop them" sighed Wanda as they walk over "That's fine Wanda" I sigh suddenly Peter walks over "Hey (Y/n) the others were wondering what's taking you so long" said Peter before he spotted Uncle Tony and the rest of the team "O-oh Mr. Stark what are you doing here?" asked Peter. Tony does to answer but I beat him to it "Nothing he's just leaving now." I growl "actually no I'm not" Sighs Uncle Tony "I will call Pepper!" I threaten as Wanda pushes Thor out and Nat grabs Steve and and Clint's ears and drags them away "Fine!" growls Uncle Tony as Vision and agent Coulson escort him away. "What was that about?" asked Peter "Over protective family" I sigh grabbing some drinks and walking over to the others with Peter.

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